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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

With it being the start of a new year, and only the beginning of February, I’m sure you’re all still seeing motivational posts on social media about resolutions and how this year is going to be “the best.” But there’s also a chance for some of you, including me, that January was the longest month EVER. I haven’t lost all motivation for this year, but trying to juggle classes, work and a social life is pretty overwhelming. Most days I feel unmotivated and so tired all I want to do is go home and sleep. Getting enough sleep isn’t a bad idea, but when you pick a nap over doing an assignment, those missed assignments can add up and before you know it you have a C in a class with no way to bring it up. 

These Winter slumps can be draining and can leave you wanting to give up on goals. So, I’ve made a list of some things to do to get out of this slump, motivate yourself and reward yourself when you’ve completed a goal.

1. Get A Planner + Keep It Organized

If you tend to have a lot of assignments or constantly have a full to-do list, a planner is a great idea. You can make lists of what you need to do each day of the week as well as plan ahead and keep yourself on track. Nothing is worse than forgetting to turn in that paper or study for an exam because it completely slipped your mind. By taking time each week to write out everything you have due, you’ll keep up with your school work and any other obligations.

2. Make Time For Yourself

Even though it is important to keep up with school, it’s also important not to overwork yourself and stress out to the point where you give up altogether. That’s why it is important to take time for yourself once in a while and to take care of your mental health. This can something as simple as doing a face mask or doing your nails. It can also be scheduling an appointment with one of the counselors on campus. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone about how you’ve been feeling and about struggles you’ve been facing. You may be surprised by how much it helps.

3. Prioritize Your Time

When it comes to doing your assignments and studying for tests, prioritizing your time is very important. I am definitely one to procrastinate, and while I’m still working on this problem, I do know that it is very helpful to spread out your studying. It is also smart to get assignments done early (when you can) because the less you have to do at the end of the week, the less stressed you will feel.

4. Eat Healthy

Remember to eat that brain food! I know during this time it can be easy to skip meals and just snack throughout the day. But iced coffee is NOT a meal and it definitely isn’t the nutrition your body needs to be productive. Try to snack on healthy foods when you can and prepare meals that are quick but not fast food. For example, a simple protein, greens and grains combo is simple and can be made in 10 minutes.

5. Remember To Exercise

Exercise is very important whether you have a set routine, walk on the treadmill, or go to a yoga class at the Rec Center. Starting once a week, try to do some form of exercise that gets you active. You’ll feel great and energized after.

Sarrah Shew is a pre-graphic design major at Auburn University.