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4 Ways to Get That Attitude of Gratitude

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Auburn chapter.

My life has been nothing short of hectic and a whirlwind of emotions the past couple of weeks. Classes are getting tougher, more papers and tests are being piled on and I myself am changing as well. I have been unusually anxious to be back in a place in my life where I felt in control and in a world of steadiness. The anxieties I felt completely blurred out all the exciting stuff happening in the midst of the craziness, and I failed to recognize that I had so much to be grateful for. I get to go to class to gain knowledge to apply to those papers and tests, I get to be surrounded by my closest friends everyday and I get to be a little stressed sometimes. As my body aches to get back to normalcy, I have to interrupt the anxiety with an attitude of gratitude (cheesy, I know…but I laughed!)

Here are 4 ways that I’ve been practicing lately to get into this attitude of gratitude…


Celebrate your blessings daily

When you celebrate those good vibes around you, you attract more of the same energy. If you learn to realize that there is a blessing in every struggle, life will begin to not feel so difficult and disheartening sometimes.

Appreciate those around you

By expressing gratitude to those that you love and care for so dearly, you will start to notice that your relationship with that person is improving. Shower these people with kindness, love, compassion and thoughtfulness. Your world will be brighter, and so will those of the people around you.


Get your beauty rest

I know it almost seems impossible to go to bed early while at college, but it has truly changed my life. While it might be easier said than done, try getting all your homework and studying done during the daytime so you can go to bed whenever you want. I have a few breaks during my classes during the week, and I feel like this is when I’m the most productive. I’m able to knock out any studying or other assignments before my next classes. Unless I’m super busy, I rarely am up until the wee hours of the morning finishing my work. You’ll wake up the next day feeling rejuvenated and ready to seize the day!


Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

Laughter truly is the BEST medicine. Whenever you’re feeling down hit up your best girl or guy friend, or the whole squad, and do what y’all love to do! Being around the people you love most makes life a whole lot more enjoyable.


Remember that gratitude is the B E S T attitude!

Lily Haire

Auburn '21

Lily is a junior seeking a Marketing degree here at Auburn University. This is her third year with Her Campus and she LOVES it!  When she isn't studying hard and working on Her Campus, she enjoys jamming to music in the car, working as a staff member for the Glomerata, reading all things F. Scott Fitzgerald, eating peanut butter straight outta the jar, and watching Netflix. Some of her favorite things include sunsets, beaches, good food, and cuddling with her goldendoodle and german shepherd pups.
Cathlene is a senior studying journalism and women's studies at Auburn University. She has been a part of Her Campus Auburn for three years and is in her first year as Campus Correspondent. When she isn't studying and working on Her Campus, she enjoys baking desserts, reading young adult fiction and watching Netflix (mainly Friends, The Office and The Great British Baking Show). Some of her favorite things include Disney, desserts and fluffy animals to cuddle. Cathlene aspires to write for a magazine once she graduates and hopefully move back to Los Angeles.