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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arizona chapter.


Students don’t have money, nonetheless time to visit the Campus Recreational Center five times
a week or build a gym in their tiny apartments. Who doesn’t have a towel at their place? With
this little soaker, you ladies can get toned all over since every move targets multiple body parts.
If you have carpet, try using old binders or folders.
Squeeze that Gluteus
Lie face up on floor with legs apart and extended with small towels under both heels of your feet.
Focus on your abs and squeeze them as well as your butt while hips are lifted. Lift legs slightly
off the floor and spread legs as wide as possible like a snow angel. Then slide them to normal
state without lowering hips and repeat.
Side Sweep
Lie face up legs extended and together with both heels of feet on a towel. Arms set to the side at
shoulder length palms facing down. Focus on your abs and while keeping your whole upper body
still and center, slide legs on towel to the left as far as possible without moving your torso. Slide
legs back to beginning state and repeat.
Palm Slide
Lie face down with arms extended, elbows bent a little and a small towel beneath both palms.
While contracting abs, slowly lift chest off floor sliding hands in a circular motion out and down
ending with hands in front of your rib cage. Squeeze shoulder blades together while reversing
motion back to beginning state and repeat.
Oblique Twist
Put a towel under both toes of feet, start in push-up position. While keeping legs together,
slightly bend elbows and slide feet to the right, outward and toward your chest which brings bent
knees outside your right elbow. Slide feet back to beginning state and repeat steps to the left side.
Gliding Lunge
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and have a small towel under each foot. Arms are at your
sides with elbows bent 90 degrees. Contract abs and slide left foot forward bending your knee 90
degrees while right foot is back. Elbows should be moving according to moving legs as if you
were running. Switch arms and legs in same motion at the same time and repeat.