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4 Ways to Recharge During a Stressful Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at App State chapter.

As collegiettes, we are constantly on the go between schoolwork, friends, and extra curriculars. If you are feeling stressed or forgetful these simple tips may help!

Take a break

Before you start your homework for the day, consider taking a short break to clear your mind. This can be a leisurely walk, doing stretches, or taking a steamy shower. Exercise is a good way to relieve stress because it releases feel good endorphins and distracts you from your to do list. If you are going to take a break indoors, try to create a peaceful environment. Dim the lights of your room and light a couple candles while you read or listen to soft music for a few minutes before diving into a pile of schoolwork.

Get Organized

Nothing ruins your week more than being late or losing your app card. Try to keep a few hours open on Sunday to prepare for the week. The following tips can prevent daily stresses:

  • Clean your room and do laundry. It is good to know where important papers are and have your favorite pieces of clothing clean when you need them.
  • If you are trying to eat healthy, plan out your meals before you go grocery shopping. Also, put snacks in zip lock bags so you can throw them in your bag easily.
  • Make a to do list every week. Checking things off will make you feel accomplished!
  • Use your agenda book to keep your schedule straight. Put long term project dates in there and make sure you check syllabi regularly for changes.
  • If you like to sleep in during the week, try to put aside ten minutes every night to lay out your outfit for the next day and pack up your bag.

Speak up

Communication is important in all of your relationships so don’t be afraid to establish that contact whatever the situation. If your mom knows how to comfort you on a bad day, call her up! If your roommate is playing loud music, nicely ask her to use headphones. And if you don’t have time to text your crush every five seconds when you’re trying to study, just be open about it.

Get some rest!

As students, we constantly hear about the importance of sleep. However, according to medicalnewstoday.com, only 30% of students get eight hours of sleep a night! Even though we know it’s important, it is hard to control when our minds are racing before bed. Obviously completing schoolwork can help us feel less stressed, but if you still can’t sleep try these tips:

  • Turn off electronic devices and lighting as quickly as you can when it’s nearing bedtime. These lights suppress the production of melatonin, the hormone that controls sleep and wake cycles.
  • When possible, wake up at the time every day to get into a routine.
  • Try not to nap for more than thirty minutes or it will be harder to fall asleep and you may feel groggy afterwards.
  • Limit caffeine intake, especially in the afternoon and night.

Implement these tips into your daily routine to feel more awake, relaxed, and in control. Feeling better can only enhance your academic performance, and when you stay on top of responsibilities you have more time to do the things you love!

I am a Junior at App majoring in Apparel Design and Merchandising. I love dresses, thrifting, playing soccer, reading magazines, celebrity closets, bubble baths, mom & pop restaurants, and giving relationship advice. I hate waking up early, band aids, Dr. Phil, and men with big muscles.