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Do’s and Don’ts of Finals Week Workouts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Finals week is stressful, that’s nothing new. However, working out has been proven to reduce stress, along with helping to strengthen your body. Here are few habits to cultivate and to avoid during Finals Week. 


Walk or run outside – Fresh air is a must after spending hours in a stuffy room and Vitamin D from the sun has a ton of health benefits so make sure you’re getting your daily dose.

One song workouts – These are a great way to get a quick workout and boost your energy without spending too much time away from your books. If those songs aren’t your speed, make up your own or try a pre-shower or dorm room workout (Pinterest has tons of examples of each).

Make working out a part of your schedule – This will make you feel more committed to working out, and then you won’t feel as stressed out when it gets to be 11:00 and you realize the gym is closing soon and you still haven’t gone.

Wear workout clothes to the library – Since you’re probably already doing this for comfort anyways, use it as an extra push to get yourself to the gym; if you’re already dressed for working out, you’re one step ahead.   



Try cycling (or anything else new and intense) for the first time – Your butt (and/or other muscles) will be extremely sore and that’s the last thing you want when you’re spending hours sitting down studying.

Forget to drink plenty of water before, during and after – If you’re dehydrated it will just make finals even worse than they already are. 

Do the same workout every day – Changing it up will keep working out exciting and if you have a new workout to try it’ll increase your motivation.

Play on your phone while you’re exercising – Put on a good workout playlist and then put your phone down. Take the time to clear your head and focus on stretching out your limbs and muscles to avoid pulling a T-Swift


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