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Ask Her: Social Distancing During Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Dear Her:

With midterm season here I have been so stressed and have begun isolating from my friends. Is this bad?


In My Own Box

Dear In My Own Box,

It is normal to feel stressed out and overwhelmed during midterm season. After all, you have so much additional work on your plate right now that you want to do well on. With that being said, your friends deeply care about you and it is important to continue to stay in touch. If you feel like you do need to connect with your friends while still focusing on school, a study date is always an option. Studying with friends allows you to spend time with the people you care about while still getting work done. Whatever you choose to do, make sure that your friends know you are okay, and if you aren’t let them know that as well because your friends will always be there for you.

If you are looking for more ways to practice self-care during midterm season, check out Faith Chung’s recent article.


Ask Her is Her Campus at American’s advice column. If you would like to receive advice, please submit a form here and look out for a response in a future article!

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American '30

Ask Her is Her Campus at American’s advice column. If you would like to receive advice, please submit a form and look out for a response in a future article!