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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Fall is here and winter is right around the corner! This means the temperature is dropping and the cold weather is here to stay for quite some time. With this being said, when the temperature drops, many people are less motivated to go out and walk to the campus gym or go for a run. This is completely understandable because who doesn’t just want to cozy up in a blanket and watch Netflix all day? But the question is: how do you stay healthy and fit in the winter? Here are 4 ways you can workout in your dorm without having to venture out into the cold weather.


1.  Workout Videos

 A great health/workout website and youtube channel is blogilates. The creator of this workout phenomenon’s name is Casey Ho and trust me, she will have you sweating. Her youtube channel offers various types of workouts that are just perfect for a dorm setting! Grab some friends, trun some music on, and do some blogilates! Click this link to try out on of my favorite videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDpB8pWEjhk&t=244s


2. Stick to the Basics

A simple way to stay in shape and stay in your dorm is by sticking to the basics: planks, pushups, jumping jacks, sit-ups, and squats. Doing a set of reps of each exercise every day will definitely make you feel the burn. To begin, one might want to start with 3 sets of 10-20 reps with a thirty-second plank. As you get better with each exercise you can adjust the number of reps to challenge yourself. 


3. Do a Workout Challenge 

Grab a few friends and dedicate yourselves to a workout challenge! Casey Ho, the creator of blogilates, offers multiple 30 day challenges, where you focus on one area of the body and each day you complete various exercises. Each day may require just 30 minutes or less depending on the workout challenge, but it will definitely make you feel a difference! Click this link to check out the blogilates workout challenges or go to pintrest and type in 30 day workout challenges to find one that suits you: http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2015/02/28/30-day-thigh-slimming-challenge/ and http://www.blogilates.com/blog/2015/03/30/30-day-sleek-arms-challenge/


4. Dance! 

DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! The easiest and probably the most fun way to workout is by just dancing. Pick your favorite Beyoncé song and go all out! Be your own Zumba instructor and make a routine to one of your favorite songs. This is not only a great way to workout, but it is also an amazing stress reliever. With the semster coming to an end and finals coming up, a good dance break can really clear the mind. 


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