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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

The break that we all need is almost here. With just a little over a month left of classes, summer is quickly approaching, and there’s so much that you can do now to prepare. There is a lot riding on Summer 2021, with last summer being the peak of quarantine and shutdowns. Here’s what you can do now to make this summer your best yet: 

Save money now.

Cutting back on unnecessary spending or setting money aside for the summer is super important right now! Your future self will thank you for this as you make room to allow yourself to splurge this summer. 


Continue to do what is best for your body.

Every year there is pressure to lose an insane amount of weight or to get toned/abs, and while there is nothing wrong with this, no one should feel like they HAVE to look a certain way to be able to wear their summer fits or bikinis. The most important thing is that you are happy and healthy. Remember: All bodies are bikini bodies. 

Apply for Internships and Volunteer Opportunities.

Even with COVID-19, there are still many internships and volunteer opportunities available, many which can be done safely online. The time to look for these opportunities is now, if you haven’t started already. Organizations and companies fill their spots pretty quickly, so this isn’t something you want to procrastinate on. Doing something that will give you experience and build your resume is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t waste your summer. 

Register for a summer class.

Registering for a summer class provides that extra assurance that you will graduate by your desired time. Taking just one or two classes gives you something extra to do over the summer and allows you to keep your brain fresh on material for your major. You can even look at classes in your hometown at a local community college for potentially less expensive options. 


Plan to do something you love.

The most important thing to do this summer is relax and have fun. Go to your favorite vacation spot, try a new hobby, and spend time with the people you love.


Up your wardrobe game.

Instead of splurging for summer clothes all at once at the end of spring, start buying new pieces here and there and add them to your wardrobe.

However you spend your summer, set goals for yourself and think big. There is so much that can be done. Here’s to the best summer yet!


Takera Davis

Alabama '23

Takera is a sophomore at The University of Alabama pursuing a degree in Human Development and Family Studies. In her free time, she enjoys painting, writing, and trying new things! She hopes to work with children one day and make a difference in her community.
Alabama Contributor