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Capstone Agency

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

Name of organization: Capstone Agency.

Organization type: Pre-professional; student-run integrated communications firm. Check out our story here.

What is the objective of your organization? To provide strategic communications and marketing solutions to our eight clients.

What events do you plan to hold this semester/what is your next event? Our big event this semester was a “CreateAthon,” a nationally sponsored event in which we paired with seven local nonprofits and provided 24 straight hours of pro bono integrated marketing communications solutions. Here are a few pictures and numbers from the event—the work totaled $27,600 in value. 

How can others get involved in your organization? Applications open at the beginning of each semester. They can be found at www.capstoneagency.org under the “Join Us” tab. It’s fairly competitive, so we ask that you take your time and be prepared to offer samples of your work.

What is your favorite part about your organization? “Watching members grow from ‘regular’ students to polished professionals over the course of their time in Capstone Agency. I love working in the Tank, our office’s conference room, and being surrounded by other motivated students talking about everything from how they landed their last internship to some major networking coup they achieved the previous weekend, and just about everything in-between.” – Katie Gatti, Firm Director, Senior

For more information, please contact: Katie Gatti, Firm Director

Social media handles: @CapstoneAgency

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Helmi Henkin

Alabama '18

Helmi is a senior at The University of Alabama from Menlo Park, California studying psychology and French. She has been to 78 countries on seven continents! Her favorites are Finland (since that's where her family lives), Bali and Antarctica. When she's not in class or traveling she loves reading, singing and songwriting, and hanging out with friends.