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A Girl’s Guide to Having a Phenomenal Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

Summer break–whether it’s spent going back to your parents’ house or staying on campus, no one can deny that it’s always a good time of year when the sun comes back out. However, unfortunately for many, these past few summers have been filled with quarantines, tests, and canceled flights. As the world slowly becomes safer you may be in need of a refresher on how to live your best life during this great season!

Switch Up Your Daily Habits

Having a structured daily routine can be very important during the school year. Without one, there are tests, quizzes, and homework assignments that you can forget about. Luckily, during the summer the same style of routine isn’t always needed. Even if you’re not blessed with a ton of free time, you can let the change of weather be an excuse to give your current routine an update. This could look like spending more of your days outside, finding quality time with your family, or treating yourself to more self-care nights. Think about what you may not have the time to do during the regular school year and allow yourself to engage in those new activities!

Learn How to Do Something New 

School may be over, but learning doesn’t have to be! Even though you may use the break to escape from the daily hustle of classes, getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things can be super exciting. Plus, these skills don’t require an $80 textbook! Practicing a new hobby, taking a dance class with a friend, or giving yourself a different hairstyle are a few examples of fun new projects you could take on. 

Build a Stronger Relationship with Yourself 

Having positive friendships is a fulfilling part of life. They can give you support, kindness, and people to relate to. It’s great to have authentic relationships, but when is the last time you’ve been a good friend to yourself? Try to reflect on how often you’ve made yourself happy lately. If the answer isn’t often, make it a priority this summer. A strong sense of self is one of the most beneficial traits a person can have and learning how to love yourself can be a wonderful goal! 

The school year can come with benefits, but nicer weather and fun experiences make summer so much more exciting. This upcoming season, allow yourself to participate in something that you haven’t before. Who knows? If you try something new this summer, by next fall’s syllabus week you may have a new fun fact to share about yourself! 

Jade R

Alabama '23