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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Alabama chapter.

As the year ends and I scroll on all of my social media accounts, I have noticed a lot of people that endured some form of hurt this past year. So many men and women faced difficulties that made them feel as if they could not face another day. Many people have lost jobs, family members, and homes. The news has even been super depressing and we see devastating stories every day. I understand, I feel your pain and you are not alone.

    Today, however, I would like to reassure you that we MADE it! I want to shine a light on the positivity that is to come. No matter what obstacles we may have faced, we made it down to the last two weeks of one heck of a year.

    I just want to be an encourager on today! Let’s make 2019 our revenge year! I know every year we get swamped with the New Year, New Me post on social media. This year, however, we are going to dare 2019 to be good for us. With the last two weeks of the year approaching, I want to encourage you to start changing habits! Go into the new year with a clear mind and completely focused on your goals. Focus on what makes you mad, happy, and sad. Be aware of the things that make you feel comfortable and uncomfortable. Know the places you want to go, the new cities you want to visit, the things you want to stay away from. Sad to say, but know the people that you need to let go of, but be open to the people you need to be around.

I want everyone to pause and focus on yourself. I want you to set your goals and accomplish as many of them as you can. Get a vision board going, so at the end of next year, you can see much progress you have made. You have earned the right to do you in 2019! Every obstacle and rough patch you have faced molded this moment! So, move to that new city, get that degree, date that man or woman, cook that recipe! This is your year and you will not be stopped! Get your revenge, and do you.


My name is Aundralesha Wordlow and I am a junior at the University of Alabama. I am from Anniston, Alabama which is about 45 minutes north of Birmingham. I am the daughter of Felecia Bradford and Adrew Wordlow. I have two older brothers, who are both married. I have two nephews that I truly adore. I am a very friendly and outgoing person and I love meeting new people.
I am currently enrolled and The Univerity of Alabama. A travel enthusiast who plans to see the whole world from the window of my tiny house. I believe that exploring the world and learning about other cultures is the cure of prejudice. There are something many places and people to meet, and i just want to share my experiences.