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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Akron chapter.

So, you have the day off school.

If you’re in college this is something close to a miracle. In high school, I felt like I had a day off every other week, but in college snow days are practically an historic event and holidays are few and far between. If you’ve been drowning in work, surviving off of Starbucks coffees and stress alone, then a day off can be a really great time to catch up on work and even get ahead in some other parts of your life. Here’s a list of things you can do with your day off:


1. Make a schedule

First things first, if you don’t want to waste your day binge-watching Netflix and swiping through Instagram stories of acquaintances (maybe you do, I don’t judge) consider making a schedule of how you want your day to go or make a list of everything you want to get done. You’ll feel satisfied that you got a lot of stuff accomplished even if it was as a simple as getting out of bed, showering and eating.


2. Throw out your schedule

Okay, yes, I know this may sound pretty hypocritical but bear with me. If you love to plan and make lists, like me, then maybe a great relaxing thing to do on your day off is to say screw the lists and just do whatever you feel like doing. Slap on a face mask at 3 pm, eat breakfast at noon, do homework at 9 p.m.—all without checking off a box. Madness I know, but it can be liberating.


3. Homework

Yep, this is the boring option but catching up on assignments or even getting ahead will set you up for a more relaxed semester. If you’re a total go-getter and you’re already ahead in your classes consider doing some reading or extra credit assignments you wouldn’t have had time to do originally.


4. Work

In the words of the lovely Cardi B, “All I really wanna see is the money.” Pick up an extra shift if you can and start saving for spring break, summer vacation or for fall textbooks.


5. Clean

Not exactly exciting either but using at least a few hours of your day off to get caught up on laundry (when was the last time you washed those sheets?), sweep and vacuum, clean out the fridge and wipe down surfaces (it’s flu and cold season!) can really relax you and make you feel more comfortable and happy coming home.


6. Self-care

Hair masks, bath bombs and face masks—there are self-care options galore for people on a budget with little time. Self-care can be as simple as filing your nails or as elaborate as a full mani-pedi. You can hit the gym, take a long shower, use a hair mask, take a bath, do a face mask or follow along with a yoga routine. Maybe these aren’t the best options for you. You can still put your fave music on or watch some episodes of your favorite show. While this may seem unproductive, doing something purely for you that’s just for fun can be really productive.


7. See your friends

Please! They miss you. College can be such a busy and stressful time. Sometimes you have to prioritize your school work basically over everything else. Hanging out with people, in person, who aren’t part of your group project can be pushed to the wayside. Consider getting dinner with your besties, cooking dinner with your roomates or going on a date with your partner. Putting time in your relationships can really go a long way in improving your mood and having a fun time.


8. Sleep

Okay, so maybe you wasted your day off and you just stayed in bed and nursed a hangover or you watched TV all day. There’s nothing wrong with that. After all, your bed misses you, too. Take a relaxing nap, sleep in or go to bed early. Either way, try and make some time to get your 7-9 hours of sleep. It’ll make you so refreshed and ready to take on the day.


9. Politics

I’m not saying you should spend your day off researching the ins and outs of politics, but taking some extra time to be a politically aware person can be incredibly healthy. Understanding what’s going on in the world and at home and how it affects you is so important. You can learn important building blocks that will help you interpret the news that you get day-to-day and can help your participation in class.


10. Taxes

Okay, this may sound horrible, but taking a few hours to hop onto TurboTax, uploading your 1098-T and your W2s and having the whole process done within a day instead of waiting until April 15th will make you feel more relaxed and less stressed. Plus if you get a refund it’ll come in quicker, maybe in time for spring break!

Emily Janikowski, otherwise known as Em, can be found usually lurking in the depths of the Polsky building as a writing tutor, and when she isn't there, she is curled up in bed binge watching Law & Order SVU. Her passion lies in changing the world, and she hopes to accomplish this through majoring in social work.
Abbey is an Ohio native currently caught between the charm of the Midwest and the lure of the big city. She loves all things politics and pop culture, and is always ready to discuss the intersections of both. Her favorite season is awards season and she is a tireless advocate of the Oxford Comma. Abbey will take a cup of lemon tea over coffee any day and believes that she can convince you to do the same. As a former English major, she holds the power of words near and dear.