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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Agnes Scott chapter.

Photo by Sydney Rae on Unsplash

1. Take a hot shower

This is one of the most recommended tips and it’s easy to see why. A warm shower can help relax your muscles and make you feel calmer overall. It’s also nice to have that time just for yourself. Feeling clean and refreshed will make you feel a whole lot better.

2. Call your parents, sibling, or friends

Sometimes we miss our family and it’s ok to call them and see what they’re up to. It doesn’t mean we regret leaving home, just that you need to hear their voice once in a while.

3. Go for a walk and invite a friend

Exercise, even just walking, can feel great and wake you up. It lightens your mood and can help keep you healthy.

4. Dress up!

Work on your costume for Halloween! Go trick-or-treating with your friends. Anything to take a break from strenuous school work.

5. Eat some candy

Who doesn’t like a sweet treat now and then? Take a break from your diet or self-imposed candy break and indulge.

6. Take a break from the parties

If the loud music of a Halloween party starts to feel overwhelming take a breather and step outside. You don’t need to tough it out, no matter what anyone says.

7. Rearrange the furniture.

Hear me out now. Sometimes just moving around the furniture can unknot your head. If that’s too drastic, maybe just clean your room. A change of scenery can always feel good.

Stay safe and make sure to take care of yourself this season!

Isabel Cruz

Agnes Scott '22

Isabel is a freshman at Agnes Scott College. She loves reading, writing and spending time with her pets. Isabel is majoring in English Literature.