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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.


1.     You have some anxiety: There will be some MAJOR anxiety: “What’s going to happen after I graduate?”, “Will I get a job in my field?”, “Will I be successful?”, “Was this all worth it?” These stressful thoughts will probably go through your head while laying in your bed every night.

 2.  You don’t want to study:  But make sure you do! You may be applying to grad school (MCATs, GMATs, etc.) and they can be extremely stressful. If not, you still want to get all A’s for your last semester. Try not to have serious senioritis! 

3.  You want to party: I’m not here to tell you what to do, but there’s more out there than partying! It may be tempting for some to go out and binge on alcohol but just make sure to be social in moderation because school comes first! You don’t want to blow it on your last semester! 


4. You have STRESS: Senior thesis, projects, tests, work, extracurriculars. All while balancing out a social life and trying to enjoy yourself before you enter the “real world” LOL.

5. You think about “The Real World”: BTW Professors, your parents, others talk about you entering the “real world”. Yes, college has been a worthwhile experience but what world have I been living in my entire life if it wasn’t real?

6. You’re sentimental: So you might be a little sad too. You’re saying you can’t wait to graduate because “you’re soo over it” but you know that you’re going to miss going to college. Having the flexibility of taking classes and still having some fun while working a part-time job. Seeing your friends on a daily basis and having student discounts. (Reality isn’t going to really set in till Graduation Day….but let’s not talk about that.) 


But in the end please, trust yourself: You choose your major for a reason, and hopefully you enjoy and you’ll excel at what you do!


Hello! My name is Melanie! I studied Business Management here at Adelphi. Dancing is my passion and my life and I've been dancing since I was four years old. I still dance to this day in NYC. I was employed on campus as part of the Social Media Team. Also, on campus was involved in Adelphi's Symphony Orchestra where I played violin and wrote for HerCampus. Other fun facts about myself is I love animals and the outdoors, my favorite color is pink and I wish that I was a mermaid. ❤