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5 Ways to Mentally Prepare for the End of the Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Adelphi chapter.

It is THAT time of the semester. The time when stress is at its highest due to drowning in piles of work. First off, congratulations! This means that the end of the semester is very near. During this horrid time, it is especially important to take care of your mental health. The stress and anxiety can become overwhelming and this effects your health, both physically and mentally. Working hard is important, but so is taking time for you and your well being. Here are some things you can try to keep your head above water!

1) Have a plan

Sometimes there is so much work to do that you don’t even know where to start. Making a schedule or plan can help with this overwhelming feeling. It keeps you motivated to complete each goal and spreads everything out so that you won’t be left with all of your work for the last minute. For example, a 10 page paper can be split into 3 days. Your goal could be to do about 3-4 pages a day; this is helpful for studying as well. Often times we have to study many chapters for an exam. Splitting the chapters over the course of several days can also be very helpful. 

2) Take a warm shower or bath

Do you ever notice how tense you get when you’re stressed or anxious? A warm shower can be a great way to relax your muscles and your mind. Maybe add a cute bath bomb, candles and/or some tunes? 

3) Make time for exercise

I know this can be dreadful or you feel like you have no time for it but going for a run or simply doing some yoga/meditation can do your mind some good. It helps reduce stress and anxiety and allows you to clear your mind for a bit. 

4) Talk to someone 

Whether it’s a family member, friend, your therapist or signifcant other, talking to someone can also help with the stress. Talking about it acts as an outlet. It can make you feel less alone if the person you are talking to can relate. If your loved one is also in school, you can do work together. This can be motivating (or distracting, so be careful!). 

5) Take breaks 

Whether if it’s to watch a show (self control required) or to nap, your brain needs a break! You’ll tire yourself out more easily if you work nonstop for hours. Make sure to also stay hydrated and to eat throughout the day. Your body and brain will thank you.


Overall, make sure to make time for yourself! School should be a priority but also should your mental health. Good luck! 

Hey! My name is Liana and I am a psychology major at Adelphi University. Besides psychology, I am passionate about reading, writing, poetry and animal rights. I aim to one day become a psychotherapist, to write a book and to inspire people to practice self love.