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Welcome to The Committee Ellen Vinke

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Welcome to The Committee: Ellen Vinke


Name: Ellen Vinke

Studying: English with Creative Writing

Year: 3

Committee Position: Editor

HC: Hi Ellen! We are so excited to have you on the committee as one of our lovely editors. For anyone who might not know you already, tell us a little bit about yourself!

EV: Well, I’m originally from Northern Ireland, but I moved to Germany when I was eight. I finished my schooling there and then decided to come back to the UK to go to university. I love cats and have two named Tennessee and Freddie, who live back home in Germany with my parents.

HC: Ah, cats are the best! Moving on to all things Her Campus, how long have you been a member? What made you run for your position?

EV: I joined last year at the beginning of my second year after realising that I hadn’t been getting out enough. Her Campus was so much fun right from the beginning. It really helped me get through the last year that I really just wanted to be able to give back to the society! Also, I’m one of those terrible people who quite likes correcting others (lol) so I knew Editor was the position for me!

HC: You’ll make a fab Editor! We are sure this academic year will be full of super amazing stuff. Is there anything, in particular, you are excited about, Her Campus-related or not?

EV: Well, I’m really looking forward to finally starting my Creative Writing course in the second half-session, but mainly I’m looking forward to all the amazing events HC has planned!

HC: Give our readers a hint – what kind of things are you planning to write about for HC this year?

EV: Since I’m borderline obsessed with all things fandom there will probably be a few articles about books, shows, and films. However, I also enjoy writing articles about issues such as equality and diversity. There’s always new things to talk about in regard to the society we live in, so there will definitely be some more serious articles too.


HC: As a 3rd-year student, you must have a pretty good idea about navigating university and life in Aberdeen. What advice or tips do you have for freshers?

EV: I think the main thing I had to learn is that whatever happens, it’s never as big a deal as you think it is. If you give yourself some time you’ll see that maybe whatever happened (grades, or a falling out) isn’t the end of the world. Another really important thing to remember is that even when it doesn’t seem like it, there is always someone who is willing to listen and to try and help you – whether it’s a friend, lecturer or even one of the uni counsellors!

HC: Finally, to finish off, we have some quick-fire questions for you! First up: favourite place to eat out in Aberdeen?

EV: I know it’s a chain, but I have to say Byron Burgers!

HC: Go-to Starbucks order?

EV: It’s always a caramel-macchiato!

HC: Your OTP?

EV: Ahhh, this is too hard! I’ll give you my top four: Destiel, Stucky, Wolfstar and Spuffy!

HC: Biggest pet peeve?

EV: Bad grammar! Or maybe talking with your mouth full…

HC: Going out or staying in?

EV: Staying in!

HC: Favourite quote?

EV: “I want so much that is not here and do not know where to go.” It’s from the Charles Bukowski poem “The Dogs of Egypt”.

HC: Thank you for your answers Ellen, we can’t wait to have you as one of our editors!


Photos: Ellen’s own

Lover of sunsets and coffee, queen of procrastination and a real granny at heart.