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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Thoughts on 13 Reasons Why


Probably one of the most binge worthy show at the moment is Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why. One of the reasons it may have had the exposure it did is because Selena Gomez was an executive producer. However, once on Netflix it had everyone talking because of the subject matter; teen suicide.




If you’ve not watched the show, it’s about a girl in high school, Hannah Baker, who commits suicide. She leaves 13 tapes behind which reveal the 13 reasons why she took her own life.


I think this show is important as it addresses difficult issues such as suicide and sexual assault without really censoring it, something that doesn’t always happen on TV. There’s definitely a lot of discussions now being had due to the show, you can’t really go on social media without there being something about 13 Reasons Why. It will hopefully shed some light on these subjects and perhaps make people more aware of warning signs or make viewers even just realise they should be a bit more supportive and sensitive, especially to those suffering from anxiety and depression.


However, the show has been facing quite a lot of controversy. It is very emotional and at points can be quite graphic. Mental Health charities have even criticised the series for showing Hannah’s suicide and have accused producers of glorifying the act and the fact that the show doesn’t seem to offer an alternative to it. As someone who had a hard time in school, and even sometimes still at university, I do understand Hannah’s feelings and it can be difficult to open up to people. Although she did have friends and people that cared about her sometimes when your mental health is in that bad of a state you feel completely alone and then when bad things do keep happening it may seem as if nothing will get better. I think this is when the show could have done more at warning about what was going to be shown or advise on getting help and properly addressing Hannah’s mental health issues. Instead I think the show can be quite triggering for people and it could perhaps lead to suicidal thoughts, particularly in teens.

Thankfully now though there are steps being taken and Netflix have clearly been listening to the criticisms. The streaming service has added new warnings at the start of the series and it is now rated 18 in the UK. In the US its rated TV-MA, which also means it’s suitable for over-18s. I think that New Zealand has taken perhaps the best measures as under-18s can only watch the show with their parents. The country has the highest rate of teen suicide in the developed world and their Office of Film & Literature Classification stated, “Hannah’s death is represented at times as not only a logical, but an unavoidable outcome of the events that follow. Suicide should not be presented to anyone as being the result of clear-headed thinking. Suicide is preventable, and most people who experience suicidal thoughts are not thinking rationally and therefore cannot make logical decisions.”


So whether you decide to watch the show or not, or if you think of anybody who might be going through similar issues, know that there’s always help available. Netflix have now created a website to help viewers find local mental health resources, http://13reasonswhy.info/#uni. Since HC Aberdeen is for Aberdeen University students there’s the counseling service www.abdn.ac.uk/infohub/support/counselling-service.php and also Nightline http://aberdeen.nightline.ac.uk but there’s also support available at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen College and throughout the city.


Please take comfort and know that when even your darkest thoughts may be telling you that you’re alone or can’t go on, you’re not alone and you can get through the pain. There will always be somebody there to listen and you are important.


Images: http://www.arrobanerd.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/13-reasons-why-netflix-fita-hannah.jpg, http://apaixonadosporseries.com.br/wp-content/arquivos/2017/04/13-reasons-why-personagens-netflix.jpg , http://img.wennermedia.com/480-width/13-reasons-why-zoom-0973127d-2067-4279-937a-89a17989dc6b.jpg

I'm in my fourth and final year studying journalism at Robert Gordon University but I write for Aberdeen University. Xoxo