Unlike your typical teen drama, this is something you NEED to watch. Set in an exclusive private school, three working class teenagers are enrolled to the horror of their new classmates. The show follows the lives of the pupils, their relationships and the decisions they make. The image of this seemingly perfect school is shattered when one of its pupils is murdered in cold blood…
When watching ‘Elite’, you can witness multiple cliff-hangers and experience edge-of-your-seat moments, plot twists and endless drama portraying the scandalous lives of these privileged teenagers, creating a highly entertaining show. Yet the series can also be praised for its diversity and inclusivity of characters, raising issues of Islamophobia, class prejudice and acceptance of sexuality. Aside from the glitz and glam, the lives of these pupils isn’t so picture perfect since they deal with drugs, rocky relationships, crime, family problems and financial issues.
These are just a few of the reasons why I would highly recommend this show. There are currently three seasons out and a fourth season has already been confirmed. But WARNING: You are likely to waste a week of your life binge-watching this highly addictive show!