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HCAU Profile: Eunice Duthie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

 HCAU Profile Eunice Duthie

Woman’s March January 2017

On Saturday the 21st, the first day of Donald’s Trump presidency, thousands of protesters took part in international marches as part of campaign to support women’s rights, as many have been offended by his tweets and remarks over the past year. There was an overwhelming feeling of disapproval, with the biggest demonstration taking place in the US capital, Washing DC and more than 600 marches held worldwide, including the UK. I was lucky enough to be able to interview my mum (go mama!) who took part in the march at the US consulate in Edinburgh on Saturday.


HC: Okay, so why did you decide to march?

ED: Because I felt that it was very offensive for such a high-profile figure to make such insulting remarks about women and minority groups during his campaign. I felt that this was just giving permission for others to bully in this kind of way. Someone, who would act in that way is just completely unfit to be the President of America. Think of all the hard work people have put in campaigning for women’s rights and civil rights, Trump has completely disrespected that.


HC: I agree! What effect do you think this campaign will have in the long run?

ED: I think that all the demonstrations together have been amazingly affective. Not even Donald Trump can deny that a huge number of people are united against his hateful attitudes.


HC: Yeah it was amazing even just to see all the photos, what was the atmosphere like?

ED: It was great and I believe all the demos were peaceful, which is good. There were all kinds of people there, young, old, male and female. Everything was very good humoured and there was lots of laughing, including some jokes about Donald’s dubious hair do!

HC: Haha I can imagine! I saw some great signs too

ED: Yes! There were some fun banners, but also with serious messages. I seriously think Trump and his advisors must have been completely dumfounded by the reaction to his views. We’ve got plenty energy for more demonstrations in the future. I think even now he’ll have to moderate his language towards women, I think in a way we’ve won!