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Campus Cutie – Emma Paterson

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Aberdeen chapter.

Her Campus sat down for a good ole chinwag with the one and only Miss Emma Paterson… 


Name:  Emma Paterson

Age: 20

Year of uni: 3rd

Subject: Music Education

Hometown: Minard, Argyll and Bute


HC: How would your flatmates describe you in three words? 

Emma: Crazy (in a good way I hope!), loud and happy


HC: Describe your sense of style

Emma:  I’d say colourful and pretty girly; you’ll always see me in a cute wee skirt!


HC: Are you attached/ not attached?

Emma: Definitely not attached ;)


HC: So what are you biggest turn ons/ turn offs in a guy?

Emma: Turn on: somebody who makes me laugh and plays a guitar or is in a band. I’d say my biggest turn off is somebody who is too posh or self obsessed- ain’t nobody got time for that!


HC: Where do you hope to see yourself in 5 years time?

Emma: A fully qualified music teacher in a full time job at a high school


HC: What do you like to do when you’re not in uni?

Emma: I love going shopping (spending all that money I don’t have!) and I can never turn down a cheeky glass of wine!


HC: Do you have any celeb crushes?

Emma: Dan Smith, the lead singer of Bastille- he’s definitely my ideal guy: plays loads of instruments, records and remixes his songs and he’s a really good singer.


HC: What is your favourite pizza topping?

Emma: I always go for a meat feast topping, can’t beat it!


HC: Favourite night out in Aberdeen?

Emma: Institute, where else?! 


HC: And finally, if you were stuck on a desert island what 3 items would you want with you?

Emma: Does my cat count?

HC: Yeah!

Emma: Okay, well then my cat, my IPhone and a gas stove to cook food on (lol!)


Currently in fourth year studying English at Aberdeen University and LOVES being an Editor for Aberdeen University's chapter on Her Campus. Obsessed with Leonardo DiCaprio, cocktails and things glittery.