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This article has been syndicated to Her Campus from My Practical Blog, an InfluenceHer Collective member. Read the full post here.

My room has been a mess for several months now. I would insert a picture, but y’all will judge me for how messy and unorganized it looks. I swear, I’m not a messy person! My room, work space, and life has just been very cluttered and I haven’t had time to declutter everything. We’ve all been there. Life gets busy and things can get a bit messy, but that’s okay. What isn’t okay is if we let everything continuously pile up until we feel suffocated, overwhelmed, and stressed. If your life is looking a bit unorganized and all over the place, then you’ve come to the right place! Here are 10 ways to declutter your life!

Before you start, I suggest you dedicate at least one day or two to clean everything out. I’ve tried doing things bits at a time throughout the month, but I found that I wasn’t getting anywhere. I am throwing at you 10 ways to declutter your life, but you don’t have to do all 10 steps at once! Take it one step at a time.

Your Home

1. Throwing out old things that no longer have meaning

Take a big bag and start throwing out things that you don’t need or that no longer have any meaning. I know it sounds harsh to throw out cute notes from your first boyfriend or tissue paper from your third grade birthday party, but do you really need to hold onto those things? They probably meant a lot to you at the time, but now they are taking up space in your house. THROW IT OUT! If you want to declutter and start fresh, you have to let go of the past.

2. Clean out your closet (and donate old clothes)

I always have difficulties throwing out old clothes because I feel like I’ll wear it again one day. Let’s be real. I won’t. Instead, why not just throw them in a bag and give it to a local donation centre? I’m sure someone else will make better use of the old clothes. Clearing up the space will leave room for new clothes and extra storage space.

3. Redecorate

Sometimes all we need is a change in our environment. It wouldn’t be ideal to just pack up your things and find a new home, but you can redecorate the space with brand new decor and/or paint the walls. All this, of course, after you finish steps 1 and 2 because you have to first get rid of the old to bring in the new.

Read the full post here.

Iris was the associate editor at Her Campus. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in communications and gender studies, but was born and raised in France with an English mother. She enjoys country music, the color pink and pretending she has her life together. Iris was the style editor and LGBTQ+ editor for HC as an undergrad, and has interned for Cosmopolitan.com and goop. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram @irisgoldsztajn, or check out her writing portfolio here.