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We Came Up With A Bunch Of Lies For 2 Truths & A Lie, So You Don’t Have To

In the realm of social dynamics, few party games hold the power to captivate, amuse, and unravel mysteries quite like Two Truths And A Lie. From the classroom to the hushed corners of a college dorm, this timeless activity can be a great icebreaker, and crafting a compelling lie for Two Truths And A Lie always adds an element of challenge and amusement to the game. However, coming up with good lies for Two Truths And A Lie can be a little tough. Luckily, I’m here to help.

If you are unfamiliar, Two Truths And A Lie requires the players to take turns sharing three statements about themselves; out of these three statements, two are true, and one is false. The goal is for the other players to guess which statement is the lie. 

These statements can be about any aspect of their lives, such as experiences, preferences, skills, or achievements. After a player shares their statements, the other players try to guess which statement is false.

The game is often enjoyed for its ability to reveal interesting or surprising facts about the players, as well as for the challenge of discerning truth from fiction. It’s a fun way to break the ice and get to know others better! 

Whether you’re a bad liar, or your mind is just going blank, here are some good lies for Two Truths And A Lie to use in your next game.

Lies About Your Adventures:

  • “I’ve climbed Mount Everest (or another major peak).”
  • “I’ve swum with sharks.”
  • “’I’ve won a national baking competition.”
  • “I’ve skydived from a plane.”
  • “I’ve lived in three different countries.”
  • “I’ve been featured in a music video.”
  • “I’ve hitchhiked.”
  • “I’ve ridden in a hot air balloon.”
  • “I’ve ridden an elephant.”

Lies About Your Talents:

  • “I speak three languages fluently.”
  • “I’ve performed at Carnegie Hall.”
  • “I won a national spelling bee.”
  • “I can play the piano (or other instrument).”
  • “I’ve won several awards for my photography.”
  • “I’m a skilled archer.”
  • “I can juggle knives.”
  • “I’ve mastered the art of sushi-making.”
  • “I’m a certified scuba diver.”
  • “I got a perfect SAT score.”

Lies About Your Childhood:

  • “I had a pet snake named Fluffy.”
  • “I used to collect bugs and insects.”
  • “I was once mistaken for a famous child actor.” 
  • “Me and my friends once got into trouble for sneaking into a closed amusement park.”
  • “I once convinced my entire class that I had a pet kangaroo.”
  • “I once accidentally locked myself in the library overnight.”

Remember, the key to a successful lie is to make it believable, yet intriguing, in order to stump your fellow players, so not all of these examples will work for you. For the most part, icebreaker games create a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, breaking down initial social barriers that might hinder communication. Two Truths And A Lie can alleviate tension, encourage spontaneity, and spark conversation, making it easier for participants to relax and connect with one another. 

Sonia Michelle Yetming is a Her Campus National Writer at the University of Tampa, where she primarily covers subjects like mental and physical health, sex & relationships, astrology, and wellness. As a UTampa transfer, Sonia is continuing her studies in Criminology and Film & Media Arts and will graduate in the year 2025. Her curiosity in Criminology demonstrates her academic activity, while her artistic and creative skills are practiced in film acting, production, and editing. When she is not pursuing academic and career opportunities, Sonia’s free time is mostly at home watching a movie, or at coffee shops with friends!