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Weight Loss Plateau

I’ve been counting calories and was losing weight steadily, but now my weight loss has plateaued even though I know I could still lose more weight without being too thin.  How can I break a weight loss plateau?

First of all, congratulations on the weight loss so far! But don’t be frightened that your scale isn’t budging. Contrary to popular belief, majority of people who strive to lose weight will always hit a weight loss plateau at one point or another in their journey. The body is always trying to keep a state of equilibrium by adapting to changes. What has working at one point is not working now because your body has adjusted to your exercise and nutrition plan. They key to any weight loss plateau is recognizing this plateau stage and making the changes needed in order to shred those pounds.

The definition of Insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” Most people that hit this stage meet this definition because they continue to workout at the same intensity and eat the same caloric intake when the scale isn’t moving. If you are ready to jump off your plateau than you are going to have to make several changes.

Here are 5 simple tips that will

  1. Mix-Up Your Workout

    Like I stated earlier, the body is highly adaptable. Mixing up your workout routine will not only put the fun back into your workout routines, but will also shock your body from the previously adapted exercise program you were doing. Swim one day and run the next. This way your body isn’t expecting that 20-minute run everyday. If you really enjoy what you are doing now, increase your speed for a high intensity workout.

  2. Zig-Zag Your Calories

    Your body is use to the same caloric intake, day in and day out. Throw your body for a loop by increasing your calories one day and then deceasing them the next. Take for example a 1500 calorie diet. One day eat 1800 calories and then the next eat 1200 calories. This way you are still eating 1500 calories, but just dividing it up within 2 days. But never, ever do below 1200 calories due to nutritional purposes or you will find yourself back on a plateau.

  3. Weight Lifting

    If you are not lifting weights now, your plateau could be caused by a loss in muscle mass, which ultimately lowers your metabolism. Building muscle will increase your metabolism, burning fat and calories while at rest. Have no fear of looking like a body builder! Lifting less weight with more repetitions will build lean muscle rather than bulk.

  4. Eat 5-6 Small Meals A Day

    Frequently eating throughout the day will increase your metabolism to burn more calories and fat at a faster pace. This doesn’t mean that you are eating 5-6 huge meals, but rather dividing up your calories, protein, and fats to create mini meals. When you eat, your metabolism increases to digest the food. Spreading out your calories throughout the day will keep your metabolism burning and going strong!

  5. Water, Water, Water

    Drinking water will increase your metabolism as it flushes out your system. Not to mention that you need to replenish what is being lost during your workouts. Drinking 8 cups of COLD water a day will cause an increase in calories burned because the body has to work to increase the body temperature.

Following these 5 tips you are sure to get over your weight loss plateau. A great website to ensure proper nutrition and weight loss is sparkpeople.com. This site will also aid in your weight loss journey. 

Ruth Rogers’ passion for fitness and health started at an early age being involved in several sports such as gymnastics and springboard diving. She holds a degree in Kinesiology, with an emphasis in Exercise and Nutrition. Currently she is going back to school for yet another degree in Nursing to help improve the lives of those around her. Residing in Phoenix, AZ she strives to find a balance between being a wife, student, and nurse extern in 2 of the local hospitals. Utilizing her skills and knowledge in the field of exercise and nutrition, she has created a website called “She-Fit” which strives to help women live a healthy lifestyle, allowing women of all ages to not only look their best but to live out their dreams and feel good about themselves. She serves as a personal nutrition and exercise coach, consulting women to define and address their health needs. She-Fit can be found at http://she-fit.com.