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Ya’ll, Eugene Lee Yang Is Writing A Book & It’s Coming In 2025

Eugene Lee Yang finally shared why he’s leaving the Try Guys, and no, his departure is not a result of any drama. Just one day after the Try Guys announced their new streaming platform, 2nd Try, Eugene put out a video titled “Love, Eugene” to explain that he’s leaving the Try Guys solely to focus on projects he’s been working on for some time now.

For those who might be a little confused about what’s going on, allow me to catch you up to speed: The Try Guys is an internet group that Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, and Ned Fulmer started while working at Buzzfeed. The group kept the internet laughing while the members tried out different things, like dressing up in drag for the first time and learning ballet. After parting ways with Buzzfeed in 2018, the group started its own independent media company, 2nd Try, and had major success over the years.

While they found themselves in a bit of controversy in 2022 (*cough, cough* Ned Fulmer’s affair), Zach, Keith, and Eugene continued making content for their channel as a trio.

Now, after many years as a Try Guy, Eugene has decided to pursue his passions in writing and directing and TBH, I couldn’t be more proud. Here’s exactly what he’s getting up to now that he’s leaving the group.

Eugene says he’s working on a feature film.

In the 18-minute-long Try Guys video posted on May 23, Eugene revealed he’s always had a love for fiction and writing. Since he’s been working with Try Guys, he hasn’t been able to put his focus on achieving success in this space, but now that he’s moving on in his career, Eugene is now able to commit his time to something he’s been working on for a while now: a feature film.

Eugene shared that he’s been writing and developing a film that will be his directorial debut. He and his team are in the “active stage of packaging” the movie and Eugene is “thrilled” to finally bring this project to life.

“The incomparable creatives at Killer Films believed in my script and have been working tirelessly with me for the past few years to get to this critical point,” Eugene said.

Though he noted he can’t share more about the film just yet, Eugene said that it’s “the unbridled expression of my soul” and that he’s “never been more determined and inspired.”

He also has Not one, but *two* books coming out.

In addition to his feature film, Eugene has also been working on a book, which is coming out in 2025.

He shared that the book is the “first in an epic, queer fantasy duology,” and that he’s working on it with publishers MacMillan and Feiwel & Friends. Anyone else adding this to their TBR already?

Eugene shared that the book’s release date had to be pushed back due to unforeseen circumstances, but will be available sometime in 2025.

But that’s not all. Eugene went on to reveal he’s also writing his first graphic novel with Vault Comics. Though he didn’t share the release date or any details about the novel, Eugene did reveal the book will be titled Buckaroo and that it’s a “twisted horror fantasy musical.”

It now makes total sense why Eugene is leaving the Try Guys — he’s booked and busy (pun intended)!

Bre is the Entertainment Editor at Her Campus. She oversees the entertainment verticals on the site, including celebrities, movies, television, and music coverage. During her college career, Bre was a contributing writer and Entertainment Editor for the Montclair State University chapter of Her Campus. After graduating in 2018 with a bachelor's degree in Communications and Media Arts, Bre worked as a full-time writer at Showbiz Cheat Sheet, where she pitched, edited, and wrote articles covering trending news, movies, television, and celebrities. Bre has also written and conducted interviews for the entertainment site Shadow and Act. When she's not writing, you can find Bre binging 'New Girl' or 'Modern Family' for the millionth time or listening to her assorted Spotify playlist. She also loves spending time with her family and keeping herself busy with a little retail therapy!