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10-Day Cleanses

What’s the deal with these 10-day cleansers? Are any of them safe?

There is so much hype going on right now over these 10-day cleanser diets. One has many options of 10-day cleansers to choose from, ranging from the lemonade diet and cabbage soup diet to the Master Raw Food cleanse diet. These cleansers are known to cause an increase in energy, clear out the body’s system of toxins and rapid weight loss. Research has shown that 10-day cleansers have done wonders for people with medical problems such as Crohn’s disease and other digestive disorders.

When it comes to weight-loss, these 10-day cleansers are a waste of time and personally I believe they can be the start of an eating disorder if not watched carefully by a dietician or under a doctor’s care. Do 10-day cleansers cause rapid weight loss? Yes. However, the moment one starts eating a ”normal” diet, you find yourself right back where you started. If one is striving for weight loss on a 10-day cleanser, they are going to have better luck losing it the good ole fashion way by exercise and a balanced diet.

So, back to the question, are these 10-day cleansers safe?

For an average person, a 2-3 day cleanser probably won’t harm them mentally and/or physically, however, these 10-day cleansers can be very harmful if not monitored closely by a dietician or doctor. 10-day cleansers have several downfalls, one that includes a lack of nutrients that the body needs in order to function throughout a 10-day time span. Going without food for 10 days can leave one feeling exhausted, irritable, and a decrease in concentration/focus as well as put stress on the cardiovascular system. So all in all if one decides to start a 10-day cleanse than they should be under the care of a doctor or dietician.  

Ruth Rogers’ passion for fitness and health started at an early age being involved in several sports such as gymnastics and springboard diving. She holds a degree in Kinesiology, with an emphasis in Exercise and Nutrition. Currently she is going back to school for yet another degree in Nursing to help improve the lives of those around her. Residing in Phoenix, AZ she strives to find a balance between being a wife, student, and nurse extern in 2 of the local hospitals. Utilizing her skills and knowledge in the field of exercise and nutrition, she has created a website called “She-Fit” which strives to help women live a healthy lifestyle, allowing women of all ages to not only look their best but to live out their dreams and feel good about themselves. She serves as a personal nutrition and exercise coach, consulting women to define and address their health needs. She-Fit can be found at http://she-fit.com.