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Sydney Coleman

CU Boulder '25

Sydney is a contributing writer and Editor in Chief for Her Campus (CU Boulder). She joined Her Campus during her first semester of freshman year, and her favorite things to write are concert/album reviews, reflective essays and pieces about local events or organizations. She loves getting to empower women to explore their voices and contribute their insights. When she's not writing or studying, you can find her taking photos, hiking or trying her hand at barre chords on guitar.

Sydney is currently a junior majoring in strategic communication and pursuing minors in journalism and creative writing. She is a Norlin Scholar, an active member of PRSSA and interned with Renewable Energy Systems' marketing department over the summer. Following undergrad, she hopes to combine her passions for creative writing, public relations strategy and clean energy to ensure a brighter future for upcoming generations.

While she's not writing or studying, you can find her playing music, attending concerts around Denver, shooting senior portraits, hiking at Chautauqua or spending time with her family. She hopes to publish a novel someday.