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Sriharshitha Padige

UTD '26

Born and raised in India until the age of 12, I was ingrained with a blend of cultural richness and a thirst for knowledge that has carried me throughout my academic and personal life. Now, as a Junior at the University of Texas at Dallas, I am steadily navigating the path toward my ultimate ambition of becoming a physician. My journey from one continent to another has been marked by a love for the English language and an innate passion for storytelling, which I continue to nurture alongside my rigorous academic pursuits.

In terms of work, I am a scribe in a very busy ER and I love my job (mostly). I enjoy cooking, art and the show FRIENDS, and find myself stressing out over exams and tests I have coming up when I'm free.

I love a good romcom story to read, (and write sometimes) along with my articles following topics such as modern medicine, drama, failures to success, politics and controversies. I love writing about stuff not a lot of people talk enough about!