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Rhyanna Korschin

Waterloo '27

Rhyanna (pronounced Rye-Anne-Uh) is a BSc Psychology student at the University of Waterloo, with a passion for research and writing. After her studies, she hopes to become a psychiatrist, working specifically with children.

She started writing poetry in middle school and has been published in the Young Writers of Canada collections and won awards for her creative literature. Since then, she has made it a long term goal to write a poetry collection of her own.

Rhyanna loves all things Halloween and shows this adoration by watching horror movies in cozy pajamas, going to themed events, pumpkin carving and planning an incredible costume every year. She also enjoys playing the flute, reading novels, online shopping, and volleyball.

When exam season comes around, you can expect to find her in the kitchen baking endless sweet treats to avoid doing any work.