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10 Things to Do on Halloween (If You Aren’t Really a Party Person)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waterloo chapter.

Halloween is just around the corner, and while many people are gearing up for costume parties and taking to the streets, not everyone is a fan of these traditional spooky festivities. As a college student, chances are you feel that you don’t have time for these activities, or that you don’t have enough energy to participate. However, this shouldn’t stop you from celebrating, even if you need a more low-key way to do so! Below is a list of ten great activities for you and a few friends this Halloween season that are possible even during midterms. 

  1. Go to an Event

Chances are, as a student, you don’t really have much time to explore your surroundings. Between courses, assignments, exams, and self-care, touring Kitchener-Waterloo gets placed on the back burner in favour of staying comfortable at home. This makes Halloween your chance to see everything this city has to offer!

Love live music? Check out the Halloween Honky Tonk at The Landcaster Smokehouse on October 26th!

Interested in local businesses? Take a ride to Uptown Waterloo for the Treats in the Streets Event on October 28th! This includes live music, characters in costumes, and trick-or-treating at participating locations!

More excited for fall than Halloween? Try out the St. Jacob’s Pumpkin Parade, taking place on October 28th! Grab a few friends and enjoy some events and pumpkin carving before watching the parade. 

tao and elle on a movie date in heartstopper season 2
  1. Have a Movie Night

Not a big fan of going out? Maybe you’re just looking for a quiet celebration this Halloween. In that case, why not throw a movie night? Grab a couple of friends (or do it on your own), some snacks, and your favourite subscription service. Whether you enjoy Halloween movies or horror movies (because yes, there is a difference), here’s a list of my favourite shows and where to find them for your haunted hang-out:

  • The Nightmare Before Christmas (Disney+)
  • Frankenweenie (Disney+)
  • Monster House (Netflix)
  • Scooby Doo (Netflix)
  • The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell (Netflix)
  • The Addams Family (Netflix)
  • Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (Netflix)
  • Halloween (Netflix)
  • Jennifer’s Body (Disney+)
  • Dark Shadows (Netflix)
  • Trick ‘r Treat (Prime)
  1. Host a Baking Competition 

Brush up on your decorating skills this Halloween by hosting a baking competition. Invite some friends or family and decide on your favourite spooky recipes. Encourage some healthy competition by getting an outside judge to weigh in on whose sweet treat was the most devilishly delicious. 

Lingering midterms are the worst part of Halloween, hands down. This activity not only gives a fun break from studying, but also some comfort food when times get tough. 

  1. Visit a Haunted Attraction

Halloween is all about getting scared! Invite some of your bravest friends to accompany you into a house of horrors. My personal recommendation is the Scream Park, full of different scary attractions like the Gateway to Hell and the Twisted Woods. 

If a haunted house is a little too terrifying for your Halloween gang, an escape room is also a fun group experience without all the screaming. 

  1. Do some Arts & Crafts 

Decorating for any holiday on a college budget can be pretty scary. So this year, it’s time to get creative — try some DIY decorations! There are plenty of cheap craft kits to be found at various stores as well as online tutorials for creating monstrous masterpieces. This is the time to decorate your place with some handmade goodies and save them for next year so you don’t have to buy more. 

  1. Reverse Trick or Treating

As a kid, I was always the person trick-or-treating. Our house was down from a popular neighbourhood, so we were too isolated to get any kids knocking at our door. In my first year of university, I got the opportunity to hand out candy for the first time. This is why I suggest you be the giver this Halloween! I had a lot of fun seeing everyone in their costumes and celebrating without actually having to put much effort in myself. You could leave a bucket outside of your room or a sign saying that you’re giving out Halloween candy. If you’re even more passionate about this, going door to door may be a cool idea for you! Either way, I encourage you to embrace the nostalgia of classic trick-or-treating, even when far from home. 

  1. Take a tour of Halloween Decorations 

Is there a better way to explore Waterloo than to tour the Halloween decorations in the neighbourhood? It’s a common tradition to do during Christmas, so why can’t you do it for Halloween? If you have a car or even want to take a walk, you’re sure to find some amazing front lawn decor. Let me know if anyone sees the 12-foot Amazon Skeleton, those are my favourite. 

  1. Try some counter programming:

Even if you aren’t a big Halloween fan to begin with, don’t just let this weekend go to waste. Try some counter programming! Participate in things you never get a chance to try that could be done any day of the year. Something as simple as going to a movie you’ve been wanting to see or to dinner at a local spot. Chances are that crowds will be lower if the activity is not Halloween related (aka watch a non-Halloween movie on Halloween). Use this weekend as a time to relax!

  1. Participate in On-Campus Events

When I think of Halloween, the first thing that comes to my mind is never “I wonder what my university is doing to celebrate.” But by thinking that way, I’ve been missing out on the super cool activities on campus! The Graduate House has many Halloween events both leading up to the day and on the day itself. Think about attending their board game nights, pumpkin carving activities, or the Halloween Party on October 31st! Some clubs and faculties even have their own Halloween celebrations, like Broomsticks and Boardgames for Art Undergraduates or the Physics and Astronomy Halloween Party! There are so many fun activities right here on campus that I encourage everyone to try out. 

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  1. Wear a Costume to Class

Most college students celebrate Halloween the weekend before rather than on the actual date. However, if you feel like you didn’t quite get enough the first time you celebrated, why not wear a costume to class! I personally believe in participating all October long, so reusing my costume with different crowds is definitely something I would do, especially if it’s a good one. This is also a way to celebrate if those pesky midterms are keeping you occupied. Low commitment, low stress, and a lot of fun!

There are many ways to enjoy Halloween without feeling pressured to attend a party. Whether you’re seeking a night of cozy movie marathons, an excuse to eat candy, or simply a way of spending time with you friends, these ten alternative Halloween activities provide the perfect opportunity! So, embrace your unique Halloween style, and create lasting memories. Happy Halloween, may it be filled with the kind of fun and excitement that suits you! And good luck on any mischievous midterms still lingering this time of year.

Rhyanna (pronounced Rye-Anne-Uh) is a BSc Psychology student at the University of Waterloo, with a passion for research and writing. After her studies, she hopes to become a psychiatrist, working specifically with children. She started writing poetry in middle school and has been published in the Young Writers of Canada collections and won awards for her creative literature. Since then, she has made it a long term goal to write a poetry collection of her own. Rhyanna loves all things Halloween and shows this adoration by watching horror movies in cozy pajamas, going to themed events, pumpkin carving and planning an incredible costume every year. She also enjoys playing the flute, reading novels, online shopping, and volleyball. When exam season comes around, you can expect to find her in the kitchen baking endless sweet treats to avoid doing any work.