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Kareena Basra

KCL '26

Kareena is a writer at Her Campus, at the King’s College London (KCL) chapter. She writes for the Style section of the chapter, hoping to focus her articles on the intersection of culture- particularly South Asian, and style.

Kareena is a first year, studying English BA at KCL. For her A levels, Kareena studied Politics, Sociology and English Literature. She also completed an Extended Project Qualification on her original poetry. With aspirations to enter the editorial world, Kareena moved to London for her studies.

As a third-generation Punjabi immigrant, Kareena infuses her work with a perspective that reflects this cultural background. She’s passionate about the fusion of South Asian and Western elements, which is often seen in her fashion. Kareena also appreciates sustainability, having been a vegetarian for seven years and actively purchasing secondhand items. Beyond her academic pursuits, Kareena indulges in her love for fashion, jewellery, poetry, music, interior design and cinema.