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Jordyn Jenks

NCSU '27

Jordyn Jenks is a current student at NC State University taking place in her freshman year. This is her first year apart of her campus and she is more than excited to be involved with such a great community. For her, this is a year of new beginnings, new opportunities, and new friendships not only through NC State but through her campus as well.

As a high school student, Jordyn was very involved in her student body and academics. Jordyn was Varsity Captain of her cheerleading squad for two consecutive years then took on the position of social media ambassador for the cheer team's social networks. Jordyn also was a social media manager for Elevation Gaston's church and ran their Instagram, later she would take an internship at Elevation Ballantyne to learn graphic design and work on the church's socials. To add Jordyn works at American Eagle and has worked with the company for two years as a cashier, associate, and most importantly media, making reels and posting new products to their Instagram. She also runs her own social media. She was given the class of 2023 artist award for her large paintings and creativity, actively participating in artistic programs. She graduated high school with a 4.0 GPA as an honors student, Varsity Cheerleader, and active Beta Club member.

Jordyn was raised in Cherryville North Carolina and later in her early teenage years moved to Lincolnton North Carolina to attend a public charter college prep school. She has one sister, three brothers, and a dog who is dearly loved by her named Moose. She has a passion for fashion and enjoys spending time with friends, painting, working with social media, and traveling. Her favorite music artists consist of Taylor Swift, Drake… despite their beef, and lastly her favorite band since the fifth grade 5 Seconds of Summer. She loves concerts and attends them regularly. She is also a huge Marvel cinematic universe fan and the Twilight series.