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Jaden White

Texas '26

I am a Rhetoric and Writing major at UT Austin with hopes of completing the Creative Writing Certificate Program! I am from Sugar Land, Texas, and I transferred to UT in the fall 2023. I enjoy writing, reading, and watching movies. My favorite genre to read and write is realistic fiction. I like to write novellas, short stories, and poems in my free time. I also love to read at coffee shops and watch all different genres of movies on the weekends.

I work as a Social Media Coordinator for a playground company based in Sugar Land, and I have been with the company for about a year and a half. I had an article about how children grow self-confidence when they play with playground equipment published last year! That was a very exciting moment for me, and I am excited to be able to write and contribute to Her Campus.

I fell in love with writing my senior year of high school, and that is when I realized that the subject is what I want to pursue for my future career. Writing in any form or style allows ideas and emotions to be communicated and felt by the reader, which is such a beautiful part of humanity to me. I want to contribute to the beauty that is in the art of writing.