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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Buffalo chapter.

The start of a new semester always feels promising as we set goals and hope to achieve them. As we come out of syllabus week and getting a feel for what our classes might look like, many students across different campuses are experiencing a form of exhaustion called burnout. Burnout is different for everyone, but common symptoms include: anxiety, difficulty concentrating, lack of motivation, etc. If you are experiencing burnout, just know there is a way out of this. Here are a few tips to take to combat burnout.

  1. Take On Less Work

The main reason many might feel burnout is because of the multitude of work that they’ve picked up. Whether it’s school work or an actual job – having many assignments due on one day, or having back to back shifts can put a lot of stress on a person. For many, having many things to do make them feel good but after a while, one has to prioritize their mental health over being a workaholic. Being productive is fine, but one must set a boundary with themselves to make sure they have time for themselves.

  1. Create A Schedule That Works For You

Whether you are using an agenda book or Google calendar, you should be taking note of every responsibility that needs to be attended to. After seeing what needs to be done, create a schedule that you can follow and build a healthier routine that will lessen the feeling of burnout. Start by: writing down when you will wake up, what time you will cross out an activity off your list, when you will eat, etc. This will help you, your mind, and your body fall into a routine that will be beneficial to having a great rest of the semester. 

  1. Listen To Your Mind And Body 

If you follow tips one and two and still feel as though you are burnt out, this tip is the most crucial of them all. Listening to your mind and body will allow you to sit back, assess your situation at hand, and deal with it on your own terms. You should never feel pressured to where you are neglecting your own self. At that point, who are you doing this for? Remind yourself why you are taking on these responsibilities, and show up for yourself at those times when you need to the most.

  1. Reach Out For Help

Finally, if nothing seems to be helping or working out – reach out to a family member, friend, or counselor at school that can sit down and talk to you about what is going on. You should never have to go through this alone. There are many people out there who experience the same thing and might react differently. It never hurts to talk to someone and ask for help.

Kiana Hodge

Buffalo '23

Kiana Hodge. University at Buffalo class of 2023. Majoring in Legal Studies and in the Journalism Certificate Program.