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3 Reasons You Should Try Journaling Before Bed Every Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Everyone, at some point in their lives, has had a New Year’s Resolution about journaling. It’s 2021, let’s get real about it and in touch with our emotions.

Let’s Feel Our Emotions

Being able to write down and physically see what happened throughout your day, good or bad, will help you better understand why you might be feeling a particular way as you’re getting ready for bed. This lets you leave negative thoughts and feelings from the day on paper that you can simply tuck away and not have to think about anymore.

Unfiltered AF

It’s your journal, the only person reading it is you! You’re allowed to spell words wrong, have incomplete sentences, and write the crudest words you know. Your journal is for you; however you feel it is needed to express yourself is totally valid. You honestly don’t even have to write anything. If you find it easier to express yourself through a small doodle or a full-fledged sketch, that’s okay too!

Next-Day Intentions

Journaling is different for everybody. Some people might recap the most important parts of their day, while other people might just be recalling a single conversation that stood out to them. However, it is important to reflect and then move on. While easier said than done, this can be helped along by setting specific goals that you want to accomplish for the next day. These goals don’t have to be anything life-changing, really just things that you want to keep in mind for the next day.

Hopefully journaling every night before bed will help you be more in-tune with your emotions and thoughts as you navigate through life!

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Teniola is a Senior Entrepreneurship major from Boston, Massachusetts. She is interested in writing about beauty, trending topics, lived experiences, fitness, and overall health!