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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Mid-terms are upon us, which equals more studying, more late nights, more stress, and usually less social time. Lucky for us talkative types, chatting with people might actually make us more productive. According to a study conducted by the Big Brothers, Big Sisters program, students with mentors tended to have higher grades, as well as good school attendance, than their counterparts. 

“I spend some afternoon’s with Amanik, my mentee, just having fun and talking. For example, this week we made brownies and chit-chatted about her life at school,” stated Allyson Paige, Big Brother, Big Sister Mentor.

Besides good academic performance, that same study states, students with a good role model in their lives are inclined to have better attitudes and to stay out of trouble.

“I want my child to have a good role model in her life, and after seeing her interaction with Allyson, I don’t want her to stop coming. I want my daughter to be different than all the other students and achieve something,” stated Denise, Amanik’s mother.

Not only is the strong connection between young students and their mentors a sterling benefit for themselves but it’s also a positive advantage to the community.

Are you interested in mentorship programs here at UT? Check out our student organization database to find out more deets!