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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at OSU chapter.

MIDTERMS! They always come up too quickly and kill the routine I finally started to figure out. Should I go to the library now and study or workout then study later? When does the gym close? How long is this study guide? I have a long lab this week?! With all the craziness I try to keep one thing constant, my sleep. Basically I’m just a large child and a night of little sleep will make me hungry, irritable and ugly.

When it comes to sleep there are a couple things that are key! First try to come up with a bedtime and make sure you’re rising within the same two hours everyday. I know this seems crazy especially when I suggest you get out of bed before noon on Saturday but trust me your hormones love cycles, don’t us girls know that, so sleep in a little but not too long!

So now that you may be getting up pretty early make sure to fall asleep early too. It has also been proven that those three hours from 9 to midnight mean more to your body than 8 to 11 in the morning. So, instead of cramming to finish that paper, go to bed and wakeup early to finish it.

Sleeping very mental. You’re brain is starting to shutdown and recharge so make sure that your actions aren’t inhibiting this natural process. Stay away from caffeine after lunch! If you need a mid-afternoon pick me up try working out or a high protein snack like pistachios. Try and turn off electronics as much as possible or at least make sure that the screen is set to a very low brightness. If you need to take a fashion quiz and read the next lab for chemistry, start with the quiz. That way you can put away your computer before bed.


Now that you’re getting more beauty sleep and feel so much less stressed we can turn our attention to my favorite day of fall, HALLOWEEN! I have always been crazy about dressing up some of my best costumes were Sailor Moon, a picnic table, and an eskimo. I know it may seem early to start thinking about it but its already October! When did that happen? And so while you figure out your costumes (I’ve known mine for months) here are workouts for whatever you’re planning on showing off! 

            Going to wear some tight black leather pants? Catwomen, Sandy from Grease, or a bank robber? Then it’s all about getting a sexy silhouette of your quads and glutes! Repeat this workout three times a week, just make sure you have rest day in between.


Weighted squats in squat rack

  • Do 4-6 sets of ten. Start with the bar (45 pounds) and increase 5-10 pounds every set!

Hamstring curl on yoga ball and lunges

  •             Do both workouts for 45 seconds each. Repeat 4 times!  (Hamstring curl pictured)


            Wearing a tank top with a cape allows anyone to show off their sexy arms and shoulders! This is personally my biggest struggle… I have more twigs than arms, but this TRX workout got me from a struggling knee pushup to (finally) a REAL one!  Repeat twice a week!

Do each workout for 45 seconds and repeat circuit 3 times

  • Bicep curls


  • Tricep dips (without the strap)
  • Y-Fly


  • Push up (without the strap)


P.S. You can rent a TRX strap for free at the RPAC and use the structure on the top floor.


            Here’s a rocking ab workout that you can be the sexiest mermaid or belly dancer around. If it becomes too boring, switch a couple of the workouts. There is tons of inspiration on POPSUGAR fitness’ ab and core, Pinterest board. Do each one for 1 minute (seven minutes total).

On Yoga Ball-

  •             Plank
  •             Tuck


  •             Pike plank


On ground-

  • Medicine ball twists
  • Side plank (1 minute each side)
  • Leaning Camel


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My name is Josie Walter. I'm a third year at THE Ohio State University! I love my buckeyes and this campus as a whole. I am in school to earn my Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a specific course of Pre-Health. Originally I am from Wilsonville, Or just 20 minutes south of downtown Portland. (Yes, Portlandia is a realistic comparison to the city). I was however born in Las Vegas and thats where my HEART still is. With a couple jobs, trying to maintain an active lifestyle, stay on top of school work and have great friends life has flown by! I am determined to make these last couple years I have at OSU the absolute best!