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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Trying to find a balance between your mental health and physical health gets really tricky around this time of year for a lot of people. How do you remain happy and mindful while stressed out? Plus, how do you work in your workout, or any form of physical activity when it feels like time is completely against you?

It’s all possible.

But what tends to happen is you disregard how you’re feeling because of a lot of stigma that is put around mental health. And what’s important to know is it’s just as important as physical health.

I’m going to give you my top three tricks on what I do to remain mindful and ways I work out my mental health around stressful times.

1. Stretch

I know this sounds clic, but yoga and stretching are forms of meditation and are vital in treating your body and soul properly. Every morning before you want to check your phone, or turn on your computer, take a moment. Give yourself ten minutes tops to lie on the floor, and focus on your body. Your brain gets to start off not feeling rushed, and this really puts your body in a state of contentment, which is an amazing way to start off a stress free day.

2.  Unplug!

We are in this day and age where technology is advancing in amazing ways! However, there’s an obsession with refreshing your Instagram or Snapchat too often. An obsession with capturing a ‘moment,’ if you will. I’m so guilty of checking my phone every five minutes, or the second I get home or wake up to keep myself updated. But try to change this. Try giving yourself 10 minutes where you shut it all off. Longer even! Also, just try being present in yourself, present in what you’re doing and who you are. Being present helps you tune into your body, and what you’re anxious about, and how you feel. Being in tune helps so much.

3. Colour!

We have so many amazing resources these days for adult colouring books! It has been proven that colouring is related to meditation and is used as a de-stresser for a lot of people. Or just get a piece of paper and doodle for a bit, regardless, it centers your brain and can actually be really fun! You can give yourself this time.