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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Many people declare this common saying during the New Year season but this year can be the year where you make a difference and apply the changes you want, to make you a new you. How can you make this the best year yet? Well my personal motto is out with the old, in with the new.


1. Stop holding on to the past and move on.

It’s never a good idea to hold on to the past if it’s keeping you from enjoying the present and embracing the future. It could be a grudge, an ex or somethung else that is stopping you from living your life to the fullest. You’re in college. You should be having some fun along with getting your degree.

2. Embrace opportunities presented that you wouldn’t normally accept.


Step out of your comfort zone and allow yourself to have fun! The Best adventures are the ones that are unplanned. You never know what activity is going to be more fun than expected. Especially UP hosted activities; they can introduce you to new people or help you become closers to someone that you already know. Depending on the trip they can help you find people who share the same passions or interests.

3. If something scares you, don’t rule it out instantly.

Scary things are never comfortable to do, but if you have an interest in something don’t let your fear stop you from doing it. As for the best way to approach this: find a friend also interested or go by yourself with confidence. Doing something alone should not stop you from doing it at all.

4. Make an effort to change the things you don’t like about yourself.

If it’s a small flaw or a big one its never too late to make a change, and what better time than a new year? Small habits are hard to eliminate but it take about 30 days to break a habit, so if you can push through it for a month you’ve gotten through the hard part. If it’s a school related habit such as procrastinating, studying too little or studying the wrong thing, reach out to your professors and peers. Professors give good advice and your peers have probably all gone through the same thing and can relate.

5. Tell everyone in your life that you appreciate them. Constantly.

Children should get at least 8-12 hugs a day in order for them to grow and prosper. Then how many do adults need? At least 8 hugs a day for a happier life style. You can give and receive these hugs but as humans we crave intimacy and we can do this by giving more hugs. If you’re not a hugger, verbal appreciation is always nice as well.

6. Lastly, live your life how you want it and that will make you happy.

As college students a lot of us struggle with who we are and how we should live our lives. While parents and peers can give helpful information this may not always be the correct information for you as an individual. Figure out what makes you happy, this can happen through trial and error but it is a decision you have made for yourself.