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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kenyon chapter.

Hey you, busy college student! When was the last time you gave yourself some real time to rest and relax? Last weekend? Well, that’s a problem, but I don’t blame ya. It sometimes seems like the weekdays are reserved for work and work alone. If you have two tests tomorrow, an essay due tonight and a club meeting to attend to sometime soon, it’s easy to forget that you are also a priority. Your mental well-being and relationships are important, and the best part is you don’t even need to spend a ridiculous amount of time to maintain them (unlike grades).


If you only have…

5 Minutes


Watch a Youtube Video

Brew a Cup of Tea

Dance Party!

Read an HCK article


10 Minutes


Watch a Ted Talk

Listen to a Podcast


Take a Walk

30 Minutes

Watch An Episode of Your Fave TV show

Paint Your Nails


Clean Your Room, Desk, or Closet

1 Hour


Skype a Friend or Family Member

Attend a Kenyon Event

The Harvest Festival at The Brown Family Environmental Center during Family Weekend 2015. Sarah Skylar and Lindy Wittenburg, two HCK’s authors, are in this picture!


Flip Through a Magazine

Grab a Cup of Coffee with a Friend

2 Hours

Watch a Movie

Read a Book for Fun


Grab Dinner with a Friend


Take a look at your schedule and see when you can plan time to enjoy life. Yes, I said “plan,” because if you’re like me, you have to remind yourself that watching your favorite TV show is as much of a priority as studying for a Russian quiz. Planning also helps maintain order and prevents overindulging, like when you say you’d only nap for 15 minutes and you end up sleeping for 2 hours. However, there are usually small gaps in your day-to-day life that are hard to account for. For example, I take 10-minute breaks in between every 50-minutes of work I do. Within those pockets of time, there are an array of things you can do to improve your quality of life (and it doesn’t include scrolling through Instagram and Facebook).

Whether you have 5 minutes or 2 hours, I hope my list helps you rethink the way you rest and relax. At the very least, I hope my article helps you realize that you deserve it.


Image Credit: Giphy, NPR on Twitter, Kenyon College on Instagram, Digital Trends, Hopkins Interactive, Kenyon College on Facebook, Entrepreneur Adventures on Tumblr

I'm a first-year at Kenyon College. I was raised in Staten Island, New York. I'm a Scorpio. I'm a delicate balance between introvert and extrovert. I'm into Environmental Science and Politics. I'm super excited to be part of Kenyon's Her Campus team. Go Ladies!
Class of 2017 at Kenyon College. English major, Music and Math double minor. Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Accidentally singing in public, Eating avocados, Adventure, and Star Wars.