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“Bocchi-zoku” a new social phenomena?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Waseda chapter.

“Bocchi-zoku” (ぼっち族) is becoming a new social phenomena in Japan. You have your friends, love and family, but yet you need to be alone from time to time. Bocchi-zoku are people who value this alone time, a time they take to emerge into their own world. This word doesn’t necessarily mean you are a loner, it referrs to those who value personal time and making use out of it. A new way to enjoy this “Bocchi-time” can be by participating at a “silent disco”, which was recently presented at SONIC MANIA 2015.

“Silent disco” is becoming popular, especially in Europe and America. Guests wear wireless headphones at the club where DJs play and the atmosphere instantly transforms into a high-energy musical performance. This is a new way of experiencing live music. You are in your own world, yet you are connected through listening to the same music with the people around you.

The two-Chanel experience is especially popular at music festivals and parties. This allows guests to choose 2 DJs with the button on the headphones, which creates this experience even better. Sony recently invented “silent house disco” a similar concept to the “silent disco” where you can enjoy the sound of music and create your world. These phenomena shows how people need their alone time, the time to be yourself, the time to reflect yourself. We are constantly connected with friends, family and people through network 24/7, and we need time to get away from these connections once in a while. Are you a “Bocchi-zoku”? This seems to be something we all should do once in a while.

22 year old student at Waseda University.Born in UK, raised in Swizterland, but originaly from Japan. (basically, USJ)Want to deliver as many messages as possible to be able to inspire all the readers. "beautiful minds inspire others"