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5 Foods to Help You Power Through Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dickinson chapter.

Between final projects and exams, you’ve probably started to give up on your TV episodes, gym time and hanging out with your friends, but that doesn’t mean that you should let your health fall to the wayside! While finals week is a stressful time and it’s beyond easier to snack on a cookie here and some munchies there, you will feel better and have some real energy in you if you make the time to eat real food.

Heading into finals week, make sure you have the food that will help you perform your best. Here are some quick and easy snacks and foods that will keep you energetic and healthy during finals week!



Oatmeal in a cup is one of the most underrated dorm breakfast foods. Besides being great for on-the-go, it is also super delicious. Quaker Oatmeal is more nutritious than a granola bar and will hold you over for longer. Nothing is more embarrassing than having your stomach growl throughout your entire final in a dead-silent classroom.


Apples/Banana and Peanut Butter

A classic study snack, this killer combo gives you protein and a bit of sweetness to get you through those long study sessions.



Whether it’s Greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey or a fresh parfait, yogurt makes for a great breakfast on the go or delicious snack. Plus, you’ll be sure to ward off fatigue by getting some protein in your diet!



Nuts and seeds give your body and brain Vitamin E whichs help reduce cognitive decline. In other words, nuts and seeds will help your brain keep chugging away and enhance your memory. Whether you are in your room or in the library, nuts are portable and a great source of energy! Pro tip: mix different kinds of nuts in a plastic bag and add some healthy dark chocolate to create a classic and delicious trail mix.


Hummus and Veggies

This mason jar of hummus and veggies is the ultimate mess-free way to transport your high-protein hummus and veggies.


Taking care of yourself during this stressful time is extremely important! Don’t forget to stay hydrated, make time to be with your friends, hit the gym and finish strong. Good luck, collegiettes!


Janna is an Sociology major with a love for sunshine, traveling, baking, music, coffee, and writing.