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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

This is for those who either don’t think they need a New Year’s resolution or are unsure of what theirs should be. While having this conversation with my boyfriend, he suggested that he didn’t need a New Year’s resolution, because if there’s something in his life he wants to change, he changes it right away: “Why wait until the New Year?”

To that, I would say: a new year is a new opportunity to reflect on the past year and pick out something in yourself or in your life that you can improve on. It’s not everyday that we reflect on our lives and think about how we can better ourselves (even though maybe we should). So here is a list of my New Year’s resolutions that maybe you’d like to implement in your life!

Read More

(Goal: 20 books this year)

I know that 20 books a year doesn’t seem like a lot if you compare it to the 50 books a year that executives and CEOs aim to read. However, I am a huge sufferer of guilt reading. Whenever I read while school is in session, I feel guilty that I’m reading for leisure instead of reading my textbook (because who isn’t always behind on readings!). So to me, 20 books in a year is aiming high.

Reading for leisure is literally food for your mind. Even if you don’t like reading, I urge you to pick a subject you are interested in and force yourself. Whether it’s on the train, on the bus, before bed, instead of sitting there for 20 minutes looking at the same Instagrams you’ve already seen, take out a book and make yourself more knowledgeable about something you are interested in. Expand your vocabulary and make reading a habit. After all, there is a book out there for everyone.

Live A Healthier Lifestyle

My goal for a healthier lifestyle this year is to be more active. Because I will be on exchange in England I will be travelling a lot, so my goal while in a new city will be to walk 12,000 steps a day. A Fitbit makes it easy to track this, and though 12,000 steps a day sounds like a daunting feat, walking to school and back, exploring a new city or even running on the treadmill for 20 minutes will get me one step closer to achieving my goal.


Say Yes to Every Opportunity that Scares You

This was actually my single New Year’s resolution for 2016 and it brought me across the world. From partaking in a community engaged learning program in Peru, to exploring central Italy, all the way to exploring Vancouver for a weekend (travelling alone for the first time) and signing up for a five month exchange in England. From this single resolution, I’ve experienced the most growth and if I had to encourage you to pick one, it would be this one.

MacKenzie is a 3rd year Criminology Student at Western University and an aspiring criminal lawyer. She is passionate about women empowerment and butter chicken. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter for more shenanigans: @mackenzievozza
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