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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at New School chapter.

As the midterm breeze blows warmer into our faces, we progressively get more anxious. But we have what it takes to make it through this great conquest!

I know the feeling of being so overwhelmed, tired, burned out, and sleepy. Trying to get that last-minute studying in for that math test your teacher told you about last month takes a lot. You’re willing put in the work, yet there is this little voice in your head that says, “It’s too much and I just can’t do it.”

That little voice is the problem.

You need to get rid of that little voice. But to overcome it, you first have to understand what it actually is.

According to Dr. Mercola, “Anxiety…virtually always involves a sense of fear, dread, or apprehension. And while stress may occur due to an external source (like an argument with your spouse), anxiety tends to be a more internal response.”

In this case, your anxiety is caused by your midterm which you fear because of your lack of preparation.

I am not going to give you a pep talk, I am simply going to slam it on you! You must try harder if you want to see results! Midterms are right around the corner, and you have one week left to study. Instead of going to that party this weekend, use the time to study. Get over that whole thing called Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) because if you choose studying over partying, the only thing you are really missing out on is a potential hangover and good grades.


Okay, so how to conquer midterms?

You must prioritize. Tell your boyfriend/girlfriend if they want to see you, they must help you study. I asked Rishinandini Singh, a student from The New School’s Parsons School of Design, for some tips to conquer midterms. She said, “Manage your time wisely, make a checklist, and take breaks. Don’t burn yourself out and just give it your best shot.” These are all things that we know but never do. 

When feeling overwhelmed, take a break and watch an episode of your favorite TV show or take a walk. Do not take a nap; I repeat, do not take a nap. Naps encourage slacking, which is not the best attitude for midterm prep. Plus, we’ve all awaken from a one-hour nap only to find six hours have gone by. Definitely not good! That’s why, I stopped taking those small naps and started doing school work instead, and trust me, I have seen results.


Just because your friend isn’t studying doesn’t mean you shouldn’t, either. Everyone’s brain works differently; what they retain in class you might need to reread, perhaps through studying. 

I guess it’s time to be your own best friend and start prepping for those tests. But it will all be worth it once you see your As.


Happy studying!

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Kedoo Lightbody

New School '24

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