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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Savannah chapter.

Have you just entered college and you are already feeling alone? Do you feel like you have no one to confide in? You thought that alcohol would be your cure, yet you’ve managed to go right back to square one of feeling hopeless. Even thoughts of suicide crossed your mind and you suddenly wanting to give it all up? I was that girl too, but I managed to get through it! Throughout this article I will share my story on depression along with tips to cope with temporary depression.

When I first arrived at college everything was so exciting and new. I met a lot of people who shared the same interests in things I enjoyed, so what could go wrong? After the first month of getting use to my work, I became sheltered and didn’t want to be around anyone. I started skipping classes which led to me failing classes, gained weight, and just didn’t feel like my regular self. This feeling continued for months and even though I had loving friends around me I still felt alone. I was crying for help but was too afraid to go and talk to someone. One day I finally went to a friend about my personal issues and was shocked to find out they were battling depression just as I was! We began doing activities out of our comfort zone and started to counsel each other.

Tips for Managing Depression

  • Write down positive things that you love about yourself. Writing down positive words that you love about yourself can help build your character quickly and you will no longer see the negativity that you once saw in yourself before. Sticky notes helped me through my depression, id write down uplifting words on the sticky note and posted them on my mirrors/everything in my room and every time id walk by it was a quick reminder that boosted my mood and allowed my day to be better than it what it was previously. 
  • Go talk to someone! If you don’t want to seek professional help talk to a close friend/family member. Yes, it can be a difficult task when trying to open up about your feelings. But it is much better to let it out then to keep it in. It took me months to finally open to my lose friend but when i did it felt amazing. Your mental health is important and no one will judge you throughout this process.
  • Exercising is a great way to relieve stress and can distract you from the problems you’re facing. Not only is exercising good for your body, but it is a great stress reliever and it works the same as if someone would be prescribed to an antidepressant. Exercising blocks out all your problems and is a great distraction. Every time something heavy is on your mind.. try doing a few crunches or just simply going for a jog. You don’t have to do overdo it either! a simple walk around the campus could change your mood immediately.

  • Take a break from the outside world for a minute and focus on self-care. When was the last time you did something for YOU that made you feel better? This may be challenging at first for the “people pleasers” like myself. I learned it is okay to worry about others and do for them, but you have to make sure YOUR needs/wants come first. Distancing yourself ties in with self-care.. you don’t always have to be around people when doing tasks. So, go study alone or shop alone! This is your break to focus on bettering your mental.. they will understand. 

  • Change your environment! If you’re feeling like “friends” aren’t trying to uplift, you leave… everyone is not there for the right reasons. Most times we just have “associates” and not someone who is actually there for us. Everyone is not meant to stay in your life and just because you have entered college with them does not mean they have your best interest. It is okay to cut people off who you know are not good for you.
  • Just remember depression is a temporary feeling and you will not be stuck for long. Everyone goes through tough times and you were given a life for a reason. YOU ARE GREAT!

Hello everyone! I am Arianna Burns and i attend Savannah State University. The best way for me to express myself is through my writings. I love being able to help others and just being a great listening ear.