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How to Stay Motivated to Workout

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Here in Colorado, the weather has been cold, dark and dreary—not the best weather to get you up and excited to workout. Here are a few tips if you’re looking to get back into the gym before summer!

Use a Fitness Journal.

I started using this motivational method a year ago, and it has changed my life. Grab an old notebook. Every time you workout, write about how you feel afterward. This is a good place to put any personal records you achieved, body and mood changes or any emotions you feel after the completion of your workout. If there is a day when you are feeling extra lazy and unmotivated, go back to those journal entries to push yourself a little harder to get to the gym.

Mix It Up.

Just like anything, repetition can get boring. If you do the same workout every day, your body will not only get used to it, but you will get bored and lose motivation to do it all together. Look up YouTube videos, join a gym with group classes or browse Pinterest to find another variation to spark interest in your workouts.

Plan Out Your Workouts in a Calendar

Every Sunday, I like to plan out every hour I have available to workout and put it in my calendar. If you plan it as part of your daily schedule, you will feel as if it is mandatory to go. I have a membership at a CrossFit gym, so I like to schedule all of my classes a week in advance to force me to go. This will also allow you to feel less stressed when you have specific times planned out to hit up the gym.

Make a Goal Setting Board.

Is there a specific goal you are trying to achieve? This could be anything from getting toned to feeling more awake every day. Write down that goal, and add pictures that inspire you to achieve it. I also like to give myself rewards when I reach a specific goal. For example, I will reward myself with a new swimsuit, a massage or simply a night out with friends. When you have a reward, it makes it a little easier to push yourself to achieve your goals.

Change Your Diet.

You’ve probably heard this before, but reaching your fitness goals heavily weighs on your choices in the kitchen. If you fuel your body appropriately, you will feel better during your workout and see changes faster.

Create A Killer Playlist.

Music is always a motivator for me—with the right playlist, I could work out for hours. Find your favorite songs that pump you up and start playing them while you get ready to workout. This will entice you to go even more.

I hope these tips help you get motivated to stay healthy and exercise during these crazy times. Not only can fitness help boost your confidence, but it will help clear your mind and prepare you to finish this year strong. 

Kelley is the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus CU Boulder. She is currently a senior majoring in journalism and minoring in sports media. In her free time, she likes to workout at her local CrossFit gym, hang out at coffee shops, and explore the mountains.