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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

The phrase “New Year’s resolution” can have such a toxic connotation: the classic “I want to lose 20 pounds” or “I’m going to have an insanely intense fitness regimen”. Oftentimes, these are the resolutions that fall through. With so much pressure surrounding them, it feels like you fail if you don’t achieve them or do something “wrong”. 

Personally, I’ve never made any serious New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I just decided I was going to have a good year, however I could achieve it, and that would be it. But, in 2020, I found myself slipping back down to my lowest point and I hated it. Like many of you, I’m sure, I felt like my life was ripped out of my hands. I felt like I had completely lost control of everything, including myself. For 2021 I do not want that to be the case.

On January 1st I felt motivated to make a list of things I want to accomplish this year. I hadn’t planned on it but I had a burst of inspiration, so I sat down and wrote whatever poured out of me. I settled on calling these my “resolutions” for the new year, and I’m here to show you that they don’t have to be toxic.

Thoughtful woman writing in notebook at home
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
All of the things that I wrote down are related to improving my health and achieving happiness and being content- more so mentally than physically. For example, I wrote that I want to spend more time outside and less on electronics, which may be a bit difficult in our virtual world at the moment, but I’m certainly going to try my best. Another one of my goals is to continue reading more books. Last year, I read at least one book per month, and in 2021 I definitely want to continue reading at least as much. I also want to relax more, whether that be through meditation or journaling, and I want to learn to be more confident and comfortable in my own skin.

person stretching outside in sun
Photo by Radu Florin from unsplash

All of the resolutions I have are achievable and fun, and are geared toward helping me feel good about myself. I think that they will help me in the long run. Resolutions shouldn’t make you feel bad about yourself. Instead, they should make you feel like you are becoming the best version of yourself- in all aspects. Your New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be toxic or draining; you can make them the best thing that has ever happened to you. 

To all who make some resolutions this year, I hope they make you feel great about yourself. And to everybody, happy New Year! Let’s make 2021 a good one.

Masha Gradushy

CU Boulder '22

Masha is the Editor-in-Chief of HCCU and is a senior at CU Boulder majoring in Finance. When she's not doing school work or writing articles, you can probably find her working out, drinking an iced coffee, or scrolling through TikTok. She hopes you enjoy her content!
Sko Buffs!