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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois chapter.

A lot of people associate spring with new beginnings. They think of it as a time for change. The time when everything around you blooms and you can almost taste the end of this semester on the tip of your tongue. You can almost smell the sweet scent of summer and freedom that is waiting for you right around the corner. But before all of that, you got to make the most of the in-between time! Here are a couple of things you should definitely do this spring!

clean out your closet…and your life

Spring is a perfect time to finally clean out your closet. That shirt you have been storing at the back of your closet because you hope to wear it one day? Yeah, toss it out. And those jeans that your friend convinced you to buy but you don’t really like? Yeah, those are gone too. Cleaning out your clothes can often give you a sense of stability and comfort. And it also gives you an excuse to go shopping! But along with tossing or selling your old clothes, you should invest time in decluttering your personal life too. Clean out your phone book and delete your toxic ex off Snapchat!

have a picnic

You don’t need to have a lot of friends to have a picnic! You can do it all by yourself. Grab some of your favorite snacks or experiment in the kitchen and cook something new. Grab that book off your shelf that you’ve been meaning to read but couldn’t find the time to do so, and head out on the Main Quad or to a local park. And don’t forget a cozy blanket!

go to a farmer’s market

Grab your tote and load up on fresh vegetables and fruits at your local Farmer’s Market this spring! They not only taste better than the store-bought ones, but you also get the unique experience of looking at different stands and conversing with strangers. It is a great way to connect with nature and get out of your comfort zone! In the spring season, you can find great products, such as asparagus, artichoke, rhubarb and apricots!

Bake something spring-themed

Since you got the delicious apricots at the Farmer’s Market, might as well put them to a good use! Bake an apricot pie and share the positive energy with your loved ones. Here’s a quick an easy recipe for a delicious pie. And if pies are not your thing, try baking muffins or spring-themed cookies!

make a dandelion wish

A lot of people don’t give dandelions the same amount of attention as they give other flowers. Nonetheless, dandelions are also beautiful in their own way! Once they reach their full maturity, they bloom into seeds that look like puffballs. So, make a wish, close your eyes and blow on them! They will fly away into the universe and who knows, they might make your dreams come true!

Although, spring might not be your favorite season, try to appreciate its beauty! Enjoy the warm-but-cool days and remember to notice beauty in the smallest things around you.

Liv Barwinska

Illinois '24

Hi! I was the previous VP of Editorial for the Illinois chapter and I majored in Journalism. Writing has always been a big part of my life and Her Campus allowed me to follow my passion, while being surrounded by amazing and supportive girls. These past two years with HC have been incredible and I'll forever be grateful for my time here. Go Illini! All the love, Liv xx