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Namaste: The Light in Me Honors the Light in You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bucknell chapter.

Keep your inner light glowing this semester with Salamander Yoga!!!

This past week, my best friend and fellow Her Campus writer, Julia, and I decided to venture out to the neighboring town, Milton, and try out Salamander Yoga! The studio is just a quick twelve minute drive from campus, and trust me, the drive is worth the reward.

The owner of the yoga and wellness center, Emma Downey, is a fellow Bucknellian who graduated from the College of Arts and Sciences with a history degree. As stated in her bio on their website, Emma, “believes yoga and energetic practices like reiki can help people to better know their own bodies, which in turn, allows them to become advocates for their own health and wellness.” With the spring semester just beginning, I think that it is important that we take charge of our health, both mental and physical, to stay balanced and feeling our best selves. I am a firm believer that the classes at Salamander Yoga in Milton will leave you feeling refreshed and empowered to study for your next exam! 

Now for our experience
. it was empowering! 

Julia and I are both avid, self proclaimed ‘yogis,’ and did a bit of research about all of the studios in the area. When we stumbled upon Salamander Yoga’s message of practicing yoga as if you were an adaptable, diverse, and powerful salamander, we were both inspired and hooked. 

We attended the Monday hot yoga class with Emma, which is taught every Monday at 6 PM, and is $15 per individual. The room was hot (hence the name), which allowed us to improve our flexibility and relieve anxiety- which is lovely as a stressed college student. We began the practice by acknowledging the fact that it was MLK day, and we set a group intention for the class to honor those who face inequity and injustice. It was refreshing to both put effort into my own health, but also focus my energy on the wellbeing of others. In my opinion, that is the beauty of yoga! 

I think it is also important to also remember that yoga is for everybody. I am the clumsiest human on the planet and cannot hold poses for the life of me, but Salamander Yoga stands for growing your flow your own way, and moving in the way that will benefit yourself and your mental health the best. Even if that means falling out of your handstand
every single time. 

I will attach my own personal photographs at the bottom of this article, along with classes and times! I encourage you all to try out salamander yoga this semester!!!

Kaelyn Jasina

Bucknell '22

Kaelyn Jasina is a First Year student at Bucknell University studying Psychology and Creative Writing. She loves to take spin classes on campus, go out with her friends, do yoga, and write stories highlighting what it means to be human. She hopes her work makes you feel empowered :)