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Neula Ha/ Her Campus Media
Life > Experiences

An Out-of-State Student’s Guide to Navigating Homesickness

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Navigating the college experience can be overwhelming for anyone. But as an out-of-state student whose home is an ocean away, I found myself grappling with homesickness more often than I had imagined. Adjusting to the busy schedule, demanding tasks, and the new world of “adulting” came with some setbacks and challenges. But with time, things got easier and I found ways to make Seattle feel a little more like home. Here are my top five tips and tricks for working through homesickness in college. 

1. Keep in touch with friends & Fam

This is probably the most important one! Check up on your friends and family often! From short calls with your mom to lengthy text convos with your long-distance best friends, these seemingly small actions will make your heart so happy. Hearing a familiar voice or even just being able to talk about what’s new in my hometown helped me feel connected to my life at home while I struggled with being away. 

2. Find a new hobby

Fill your free time with activities that you’re excited to go to! During my first few weeks at the UW, I explored different fitness classes, and eventually found myself in a routine of going to yoga classes. Developing new hobbies helped me take my mind off of my anxieties and fill my schedule. 

3. Make your dorm feel like home

One of the best things I’ve done for myself to combat homesickness is decorating my dorm in a way that emulates my room at home. From beachy posters to disposable camera pics to a small stack of my favorite books and journals, I’ve incorporated my favorite elements of my room into my dorm. Doing so has made me excited to come back to my dorm after a long day and just relax in the space that I’ve created. 

4. Happy lights & Vitamin D

If you’re an out-of-state student from somewhere that’s a bit warmer and sunnier than Seattle, I’d totally recommend investing in a Happy Light and some Vitamin D gummies. I missed seeing the bright skies more than I thought I would and could feel seasonal depression creeping in. I bought these items off of Amazon and have enjoyed using them daily. 

5. Fuel your body

Take a break from dining hall food every once in a while and treat yourself to a dish that reminds you of home. Maybe try out a family recipe? Or go to a restaurant that serves one of your favorite dishes? Food is good for the body and mind! 

Homesickness can come in waves and there’s no shame in feeling any which way. Give these tips a chance, and hopefully you’ll find yourself feeling a little more at home here at the UW!

Koren Kano

Washington '26

Koren is a Contributing Editor at HCUW this year. She is a sophomore majoring in Psychology and minoring in Law, Societies, & Justice at the UW. She is from Honolulu, Hawai'i and enjoys spending time outdoors on hikes or at the beach. Koren was a Contributing Writer last year, focusing on pieces about fashion, experiences, and college life.