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Cameron Smith-Spain Europe Abroad Car Port Boats Palm Trees Sunny .Pdf
Cameron Smith-Spain Europe Abroad Car Port Boats Palm Trees Sunny .Pdf
Cameron Smith / Her Campus
Life > Experiences

A letter to my first car

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

My 2005 Chrysler PT Cruiser was gifted to me the summer before my senior year in 2019. I had been away from home at a summer camp but as soon as I pulled into the parking lot I saw either the ugliest car or the prettiest car I had ever seen. I think traditionally you’re a little ugly but you have such a vibe about you that I am obsessed with. You remind me of cars from the 50s and 60s and I think you just really fit my vibe. 

Sure, you’re very broken. I think within the first 6 months of having you, you broke down 30 times (This is not an exaggeration). You were in the shop so often that it didn’t feel like you would ever be fixed. But you were. I think my dad spent as much to fix you as he did to buy you. Granted he got a deal because you were 14 years old at the time but sometimes it just felt like you were a lost cost. 

Skipping to this past summer, and a few more breakdowns, you had to go to the shop again for some loose screws underneath. The mechanic called and said that you shouldn’t be fixed, it would cost more than what he said you were worth. I cried when my dad told me. To be honest, I hadn’t always been your biggest fan but when I thought you were going to get sold for parts I sat down and cried. Like a LOT. You were my first car, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye just yet. I picked you up, drove you home, and cried in the parking lot. I didn’t want a new car. 

After weeks of me and dad looking for cars, he decided that it would be cheaper just to get you fixed and I was ecstatic. Every car he would show me, I would call it ugly and say I would never drive it. A little bratty I know, but I knew eventually he would cave. He did, he took it to the shop and you were fixed in a week. You drive perfectly now, I doubt anyone would think you’ve been driving since 2005 unless they saw you. 

You’re my first car, you’ve been with me through the end of high school and now halfway through my college career. I hope you make it to graduation, let’s not jinx it though. 

P.S sorry I put the cheap gas in you for like 2 months when the premium was recommended. It may happen again. 

Victoria Navarro is an Advertising major at the University of Texas at Austin. She loves to spend time with her rescue dog Dusty and you can always catch her with a cup of coffee.